General Meeting Information
Date: October 16,
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: ADM 109
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30 - 2:35 p.m. Welcome I Chow 2:35 - 2:40 p.m. Approval of Agenda & Notes from October 9 2017 meeting A Chow 2:40 -2:50 p.m. Need and Confirmations I/D/A Nguyen 2:50 - 3:05 p.m. Accreditation Visit Update I/D - Chow
- Nguyen
- De Toro
- Woodbury
- others
3:05 - 3:20 p.m. First Reading of WMST Request
- Chow
- Coronado
3:20 - 3:50 p.m. Review Fall Plenary Resolutions
- Chow
- Nguyen
- De Toro
- All
3:50 - 4:10 p.m. Update on Brainstormed Topics for Senate Discussion
I/D - Chow
- Nguyen
4:10 - 4:20 p.m. Committee Reports:
- Enrollment Advisory Team (EAT)
- Senate subcommittees
I/D - Nguyen
- Chow
4:20 - 4:25 p.m. Meeting Evaluation (On effectiveness of the meeting advancing academic & professional matters and the principles of equity)
I/D All 4:25 - 4:30 p.m. Good of the Order and Appreciations
I All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Meeting Minutes
Approval of Agenda & Notes from October 9, 2017 meeting
both unanimously approved no edits or objections
Needs & Confirmations
- We are very close to filling all our Academic Senator seats--welcome My Linh Pham (SSH) and Chris Leonardi (BHES)
- New Need on Campus Facilities Committee (John Walton is stepping off; he explained the scope/purview of the committee, which is chaired by VP of Facilities Pam Grey)
- Finance and Budget Planning and Budget Team is a different shared governance committee (no current needs for faculty on that)
- Tenure committees:
- Mark Taberna (COUN)committee--Sarah Lisha is replacing Usha Ganeshalingam as At-Large member--(No Objections to approval)
- Erik Houser (MATH-Ph2) committee-- Tom Dolen to replace Marcy Betlach (on PDL) as At-Large member (No objections to approval)
- Nahrin Rashid (MATH Ph2) committee -- Mehrdad Khosravi to replace Cinzia Muzzi as Division representative (No objections to approval)
Accreditation Visit Update
Spatafore sent out a campus wide accreditation summary.
We were commended for:
- our “heart” for underrepresented students;
- support for online students and a vibrant student life. Because student life was mentioned, Karen introduced Guest Hyon Chu Yi-Baker and she gave a brief introduction of herself as interim Director of College Life;
- commitment to Professional Development.
The Accreditation team also noted two Recommendations:
- ACCJC standards in SLO course outlines may not have matched syllabi;
- documentation of faculty-student contact hours in fully online courses. If faculty have questions they can follow up with Marisa Spatafore. Senators noted that verifying contact hours online may not necessarily be a technicality since many of us are using Canvas for the first time;this quarter, and asked: why can’t were cord the final presentation and why are the people writing the final report not here? Chow: they are peer evaluators / advisory to collect feed back to report back to ACCJC, and the final report will be formally is sued by ACCJC. Chow: over all we did well and kudos are deserved for all who were part of the process.
First Reading of WMST Request
Coronado passed out copies of the Memorandum from WMST chair (Coronado) and from ICS Dean Edmundo Norte, which were also electronically shared by Chow the previous Wednesday.
Coronado: There was only one WMST course here for a long time but since then, more WMST courses have been developed and are regularly taught. WMST is looking for Senate to approve WMST classes to meet DAC’s ICS requirement. The courses in the handout were developed in coordination with ICS. But currently taking these courses does not meet the ICS GE requirements for the De Anza AA/AS degree.
Marc is requesting we as a body approve the listed courses to satisfy the ICS requirement for the AA.
Sullivan: Just want clarification that we are doing a first reading today and a second reading and vote will occur later than ne next week?
Chow: Yes.
Woodbury: this item came to Curriculum first but they suggested this is a large enough change to want Senate to decide on this..
Chow: This can be considered as a one-time request and we can form a senate subcommittee to come up with parameters for courses requesting for approval to satisfy other GE ares in the future. Of course, this would mean we would still need participation from divisions and departments in drafting the parameters, and approval from the divisions for those parameters before the Senate gives final approval.
DiLeonardo: glad to see the Curriculum committee did vet it first and then suggest it come to Senate.
Clem: In support but Coronado mentioned cross listing. Coronado says they are not crosslisted. Stockwell: Which area would these courses go in? Coronado says some might be more appropriate in area C, other D or E.
Chow: all areas need to be defined - we don't have definitions fr our GE areas, according to Augensteing. Could be a perfect role for a new subcommittee in senate to do that work. We will bring back for additional discussion and action next week.
Review of Fall Plenary Resolutions
Resolutions on this site.
Update on Area B regional meeting, held last Friday at Skyline College - note first resolution is Emeritus Status for Paul.
- (Chow): Our Oct 30 meeting will be a joint Senates meeting with FH Senate to look over updated Resolution packet and advise Senate Officers/Representative son how to vote; this joint meeting will take place at Foothill, most likely the Toyon Room
- ( Jim ) Update on the 3 additional resolutions brought to Area B -- 1) from FH, a resolution to lower the number of units required for Baccalaureate degrees (for Dental Hygiene); 2) from Diablo Valley College, a resolution about homeschooled credit; 3) from CCSF, a resolution about being able to offer auditory assessment as part of the ESL placement
- (Karen)-Legislative Update, in particular AB 705 (amendment) - was signed by Governor. Brown also signed a free first year for CC students but funding as of yet not allocated for it. 705 requires use of high school GPA as multiple measure (MM) and requires students to be able to complete transfer level English and Math in one year and ESL students to be able to complete transfer level English in 3 years. As a senate, divided into groups of two to look at individual resolutions and come up with questions.
- 3.01 no comment.
- 4.01 Balm: with focus on transfer what about AA students? Delas: let’s have something to honor students who want vocation. Miskin: we should eliminate “non profit” from resolved. Stockwell: Vision for Success - what is it and why are we always seen as behind in some way as a system based on unrealistic goals?
- 14.01 Pape: who is going to determine which courses are equivalent between colleges for purposes of repetition? Are we creating a much more complex process than what currently exists? This would a major change and should be done carefully.
- 15.01 Clem: does this require we have one path for both CSU and UC? What does this mean for our current practices and policies?
Update on Brainstormed Topics for Senate Discussion
Police Taskforce: Nguyen and Stockwell provided an update. There are areas of research for the group including hiring, training, the complaints, the process of complaints, etc. We will work closely with Classified Staff.
Chow: 2 part time faculty to help with feedback for District AS on hiring process and policies is a Need for next meeting
Streamlining registration and Ed plans: invite Daniels and Ward in to present to us.
Key request processes: will connect with Grey on Baldwin and keys. Dolen: still having issue.
Course repeatability: we could use more information/evidence about this, please go to your areas and provide information to Senate that we could use to advocate for repeatability.
Grant funded positions: Mieso and Ranck will be coming in to present.
Change to a semester term? EAT should consider.
Committee Reports
Enrollment Advisory Team (EAT)
(Jim): We're down 6.3 in enrollment at DA from last Fall. Questions discussed in EAT: Whether we should move to a schedule at accommodates students' schedules better? What are some questions we should be asking each other and ourselves about hot to boost enrollment? About making schedule changes?
Kalpin: FH is pretty much flat. West Valley is not down.
Jim: EVC and SJCC might be up as much as 10%.
DiLeonardo: The parking has been the issue.
Balm: Breaking down the demographics, where is the drop in students (e.g. regionally, ethically, etc)?
Are students taking fewer classes, or do we have fewer bodies/students on campus?
Marketing & Outreach: what are their specific efforts?
Herter: Look from student perspective -- why are students going to our neighbor CCC's?
Pape: In CIS div, huge drop down from first day of quarter to Census. What's going on in other areas? Possible that students are "shopping"in Week 1 ... they don't intend to tale all the courses they sign up for. Work with Curriculum Committee to grab students
Chow spoke to Lydia Hearn who looked at enrollment figures. Some success rates dropped in Spring as a pattern, secondly census date: why drop a student before the census so they won't show up a a W and not show up as a non-success?
English is also looking at short term or late start online courses.
Clem: ask ourselves - are we doing everything we can capture and keep student first week of the quarter? are we centralizing demand so we can quickly move to fill classes?
Miskin: nursing students are frustrated with our quarter system calendar transferring to CSUEB.
Hetler: we start later so we should catching students with bad experiences at other places so we must not be doing a good job with that.
Walton: anyway to give add codes earlier before term.
Chow: shopping cart idea - email follow up with students who don't finish registration process and remind them to register/enroll.
Meeting Evaluation (On effectiveness of the meeting advancing academic & professional matters and the principles of equity)
skipped this item
Good of the Order and Appreciations Announcements of Health Center and Outdoor Club events
Officers and Senators
Executive Committee Members Present
Name Position Present Karen Chow President Y Jim Nguyen Vice President Y Alicia Del Toro Executive Secretary/Treasurer Yael Karmi PT Y Mary Donahue PT Paul Klingman App Tech Y John Walton App Tech Y Bob Kalpin BHES Y Peter Miskin BHES Y Mia Breen Bus/CIS Y Mary Pape Bus/CIS Y Milena Grozeva Levy CA Y Elizabeth Mjelde (on PDL in Fall) CA Nellie Vargas CD&E Y Robert Alexander (Paul Wethington on leave) Counseling Y Rob Clem Counseling Y Vacancy DSPS Maria Delas DSPS Y Vacancy IIS Hua-Fu Liu ICS/IIS Y Cheryl Balm PSME Y Vacancy PSME Iva Tracey LA Y Cecilia Deck LA MyLinh Pham SSH Robert (Bob) Stockwell SSH Y Arden Kragalott PE Y Scott Hertler PE Y Tom Dolen LR Y Mary Sullivan SD Y Eric Woodbury Curriculum Committee Y Guests Present
Name Position Present Brian Murphy DA Pres Stacey Cook VPSS Christina Espinosa-Pieb VPI Susan Cheu VPFCO Lorrie Ranck AVPI TBA OSOD Marisa Spatafore Mktng Anastasia Soenjoto DASB Y Bob Stockwell FA Y Karen Hunter CS Lorna Maynard CS Y Elias Kamal Student Trustee Mallory Newell IR Moaty Fayek Dean BS/CIS Renee Augenstein Articulation Mary Bennett Tenure Review Sheila White-Daniels Dean Counseling Nancy Canter Dean CA Alicia Cortez Interim Dean, Equity and Engagement Coleen Lee Wheat Dean PE Isaac Escoto FH Academic Senate Mayra Cruz District Academic Senate President Pam Grey AVPCO Stacey Shears DSP&S Anita Kandula Dean BHES Michele LeBleu-Burns Dean, Stud Dev/EOPS Rob Mieso Associate VP of Student Services Lisa Mandy Dir Finan Aid Tamica Ward Enrollment Services Dean Edmundo Norte Dean IIS Thomas Ray Dean LA Jerry Rosenberg Dean PSME Judy Miner Chancellor Dawn Tu Lee Office of Professional Development Carolyn Wilkins-Green Dean SSH Kelly Swanson Book Store Mary Pape SLO David Ulate FHDA Research & Planning