General Meeting Information
Date: June 1,
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 18, 2020 Meeting A Chow, All 2:35 - 2:45 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All 2:45 - 3:05 Needs and Confirmations
2020-21 IPBT Faculty Members Confirmation
Academic Senate Election Results
I/D/A Pape 3:05 - 3:10 Presentation of Resolution of Gratitude to Distance Education and Professional Development Staff and Faculty:
Heidi King, Dave Garrido, Dawn Lee Tu, Jenny Vela, and Claudia Guzman
I/D/A Argyriou, Thomas, Sullivan, Kaur, Mullens (Academic Senate
Recognition Task Force)
3:10 - 3:25 Distance Education Online Hybrid Forms Discussion
I/D Woodbury
3:25- 3:45 De Anza Noncredit Guide and De Anza College Noncredit Courses and Programs Implementation Plan (first reading & discussion)
I/D Capitolo, Cruz, Pape & Academic Senate Noncredit Task Force 3:45 - 4:05
Discussion of Spring 2020 COVID19 SIP Teaching and Learning Accomplishments and Challenges and Fall 2020 Course Scheduling
Student comments submitted to May 29 SSH (Social Science & Humanities Division) Student Panel
I/D Chow & all 4:05 - 4:25 Standing Committee updates
- De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
- Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
- Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
- Curriculum Committee
- Equity Action Council (EAC)
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committee
- College Planning
- Tech Committee
- Online Advisory Group
- Chancellor's & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)
I/D Representatives From Committees
(Wallace, Pape, Glapion, Lee, Chow, Gainer etc)
4:25-4:30 Good of the Order
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = InformationNOTE:Dear Senators and Guests:
This Monday's Academic Senate Meeting will be available for you to participate in via Confer Zoom. Per Governor Newsom's emergency order for COVID19 sheltering in place, holding this meeting in Confer Zoom satisfies Brown Act requirements requiring a publicly accessible meeting location.If you wish to join via ConferZoom, below are instructions. Voting for any Motions made during the meeting will be done via the Chat feature of ConferZoom, and I will explain how that will work at the start of our meeting.CONFER ZOOM LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS:JOINING VIA COMPUTER/LAPTOP:
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Minutes of June 1, 2020
Comments before meeting started: Karen asked about the possibility of passing a statement of solidarity in the Academic Senate next week, instead of waiting for the customary 2 weeks. There is a lot of pain in the community that needs more immediate healing, better to get it out faster than later.
I. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 18, 2020 Meeting
- Agenda approved.
- Minutes approved.
II. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)- Danny shared a resolution from the PAC regarding share governance and housing. He hopes that it will get on the Senate calendar later.
- Betty: during the last Senate meeting, there was a discussion about a letter of concern written and sent to Chancellor Miner and the Presidential Search Hiring Committee from ASAM and APASA. Betty read the letter. Karen uploaded the pdf file of the letter for anyone wanting to read it in text.
- Dawn asked for ideas for the remaining professional development funds; there were 16 comments that can be viewed here:
- Submit additional feedback and thoughts by Wed:
III. Needs and Confirmations- 2020-21 IPBT Faculty Members Confirmation
- Mary sent out in an email last Saturday the list of IPBT candidates with their statements as well as their departments and divisions. She reminded everyone the aim for diversity in representation of disciplines. It is helpful to have different areas represented, to bring knowledge, but not to campaign or be a personal advocate for their own areas. In IPBT, people leave their division behind.
- The faculty who will serve the second year of their term next year are: Erik Woodbury - Chemistry, Cheryl Balm - Mathematics, and Ed Ahrens - Computer Information Systems (Part-time seat).
- Mary will be using Survey Monkey as the voting platform. The voting is anonymous. The email will go out at the end of the meeting and is due noon tomorrow, June 2. Vote for only 3. Ballots with more than 3 votes will be invalidated.
- With regards to diversity, there was a question about having a designated seat for CTE.
- Mary and Ed are both CTE. There is to be a CTE representative, not a designated seat. There is a designated seat for part-time.
- There is a question and concern about the voting procedure that is a departure from the normal procedure.
- Mary: in a zoom meeting, there is no way to pass around and collect secret paper ballots. The email will go to only voting members of the Senate executive committee.
- Discussion on IPBT candidates, representations, concerns, and mandates.
- Be mindful in selecting those experienced and conscientious about handling serious budget cuts with their work on IPBT.
- Academic Senate Election Results
- Academic President-Karen Chow, 145 votes, 4 write-in, each getting one vote; Academic Senate Vice President-Mary Pape, 139 votes, 3 write-in. each one vote; Academic Executive Secretary-So Kam Lee, 139 votes, 1 write-in.
- Part-time Faculty Representative:
Ishmael Tarikh-68 votes; Mylinh Pham-47 votes; Raymond Brennan -31 votes; Elizabeth-Ann Marble-9 votes - Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the candidates for their willingness to serve in shared governance.
- So Kam will chair a task force to update the Constitution and Bylaws. The task force will report with updated versions by Fall 2020; Volunteers for the Task Force: Mary S, Erik Woodbury; Shagun K; Ishmael T; (Susan Thomas?)
IV. Presentation of Resolution of Gratitude to Distance Education and Professional Development Staff and Faculty:Heidi King, Dave Garrido, Dawn Lee Tu, Brandon Gainer, Jenny Vela, and Claudia Guzman
- Academic Senate Recognition Task Force: Ann Argyriou, Susan Thomas, Mary Sullivan, Shagun Kaur, and Terrence Mullens.
- There are seven versions of the resolution. The first recognizes everyone as a group, then individually, so that each person gets a resolution with their name on it.
- The resolution is to formalize the appreciation and recognition for extraordinary support they have provided to faculty, staff, and students to facilitate the transition to remote teaching. They worked through vacation times, evenings, and weekends. Over the course of three weeks, they certified over 300 in Canvas, trained over 650 in zoom, trained over 620 in Canvas workshops, and helped over 270 in open labs.
- In addition to the paper recognitions, the committee has put together personalized and more tangible gifts for each of the honorees.
- (Some expression of appreciation from chat.)
- You have all done phenomenal work, making huge sacrifices, to make the impossible possible. I'd be lost without all of the tech help I've gotten in the past three months! Thank you for your energy and constant support! You have all been so kind and supportive! We've all needed that during this stressful time.You are wonderful and have uplifted our spirits.
- The more we researched how much you have done, the more the committee was in awe of your work, dedication, commitment and calm in the face of all of this. I appreciate your patience and sense of humor! Your humility is admirable but we know you went the extra mile for us!
- David Garrido thanked the Academic Senate for the recognition. It was a pleasure for him to work with the faculty and to support them. He applied the term “heroic” used in the resolution to the faculty, especially those who had to move online so quickly. Usually, it would take faculty a year to move online. It took tremendous individual efforts for face to face faculty to get online in three weeks. He also recognized the contribution of other members and teams around the campus.
- Heidi echoed what David expressed. It has been crazy but rewarding and oftentimes fun. She felt fortunate and very connected to the people she worked with. Karen commented on her awesome zoom backgrounds and costumes.
- Brandon thanked the Senate for the recognition and expressed appreciation for thegreat people he works with.
Karen thanked the honorees and the task force.
V. Distance Education Online Hybrid Forms Discussion- A letter has been sent to the deans and department chair regarding the timeline for submitting hybrid/online delivery requests for summer and fall courses that are not already approved. The letter ended with a helpful list of FAQs.
- The State granted the colleges an emergency addendum for courses previously not approved to be offered online for this spring. This does not apply to the summer and the fall.
- The State is requiring the college to develop a process and timeline to move all the courses that have not been approved through the local approval process by Dec 2020.
- For the summer, there are 140 courses that require approval. Typically, the curriculum team processes about 70 forms per quarter. That is double the amount processed in three months. June 19 is the deadline for summer courses.
- There will be more courses requiring approval for the Fall. Those forms will be due before Thanksgiving.
- An Adobe sign form is being developed and tested to process these requests. This should be available later in the week.
- Department chairs and deans should have received a list of affected courses.
- Comment: in the past, there has been a high level of scrutiny and thoughtful pedagoge required for distance learning courses. How does this apply to courses that are being offered online for perhaps only two quarters.
- There will be a new box on the form that designates it as “emergency only,” such as a campus shut down that does not allow in person classes. The high degree of review and pedagogical discussion will be maintained.
- Erik: faculty cannot be required to deliver a class fully online. That should be a faculty driven decision. But, if you don’t fill out the form, you cannot offer the class in the summer and fall. An example of “emergencies only,” a Chemistry class must have in person labs, but some virtual experiments can be a good compromise. There must be discussions and decisions within departments and disciplines..
- On a question regarding blanket approval beyond the Fall quarter. Erik does not expect any more emergency addendum or blanket approvals beyond the Fall. Anyone who wants to offer hybrid or online classes, should get everything developed and put them into place in the Fall.
VI. De Anza Noncredit Guide and De Anza College Noncredit Courses and Programs Implementation Plan (first reading & discussion)- The Noncredit Task Force (Dave Capitolo, Mayra Cruz, and Mary Pape) is seeking Senate approval for the overall implementation plan as well as the local curriculum guide.
- De Anza does not have any guidelines or implementation plans for noncredit courses to get apportionment according to the CDCP (Career Development College Preparation) and the Basic Skills guidelines. Thomas Ray and Randy Bryant are the administrators guiding this work.
- Mayra described the guide as a work in progress. She expects the guide to evolve as noncredit is implemented. The implementation plan is rather straight-forward. There will be more items to be included, topics challenged that need to be addressed, other components to include in the guide. Be thoughtful in the first review of the guide. They would appreciate and need input on the guide. They have been implementing noncredit at De Anza, and have encountered challenges. They hope to review the guide later. The guide is meant for faculty and department chairs interested in moving forward or advancing non-credit at the department level.
- Karen chose to look through the guide that Mayra asked for input. The document starts with an explanation and introduction to noncredit, in particular the type of noncredit called CDCP. The noncredit CDCP courses and programs qualify for full state apportionment. Without the apportionment and support, it is unlikely that the college would be able to offer these courses. The Chancellor’s office reviews the community college proposal within the context of Title 5. Community college noncredit course and program approval must be submitted electronically. At De Anza, the curriculum development and approval process is the same as the credit process. The curriculum committee reviews the course outline of record for the CDCP courses just like they do with credit courses. The CDCP non credit courses need to be part of a noncredit certificate in order to earn apportionment. In addition to submitting the course outline of credit for approval, the departments offering these courses also need to submit a certificate and noncredit certificate for approval. This is being done in the CTE, Career Technical Ed, programs as well as Basic Skills, like Math, English and ESL.
- Thomas clarified what courses and programs are eligible at De Anza.
- Autotech was the first department to offer CDCP noncredit courses. The enrollment has been fantastic. Pete gave the example of having an average of 19 non credit, 12 credit students in his classes.
- In the document there is a live link to automotive. The data shows how the program has grown.
- This definitely benefits students; there are student demands for these courses. This guide will help eligible departments to propose and offer these courses.
- Next discussion on grade options: grading policy on page 3. There is flexibility: Letter Grade, P/NP, Satisfactory Progress (possible for the future); The best way to create a grading policy is to include as many options as possible.
- There is a question about transcripts that they are still working on. There is also discussion over how the curriculum process or form is handling the noncredit courses. The guide should help departments to navigate noncredit courses through the curriculum process more smoothly.
- Mayra urged everyone to take the guide and implementation plan back to their departments and divisions to get inputs. The implementation plan is very straight forward. It is based on effective practices from other colleges; Myra has been working on non-credit on the state level; she has taken the best practices from other colleges that have been offering noncredit longer.
VII. Discussion of Spring 2020 COVID SIP Teaching and Learning Accomplishments and Challenges and Fall 2020 Course Scheduling- Karen reported on the March 29 Social Sciences and Humanities Division Student Panel Discussion, 2-5 pm. Students opened up about the challenges they are facing this quarter. Steve Nava has captured some of the student comments into a PDF. There is also a zoom recording of the entire panel discussion.
- Karen opened the floor for people to share what they have been observing in their classes, their own challenges as well as accomplishments.
- Impressed by students persevering toward their academic goals in spite of all the challenges. In the last hour, students opened up about the stress level; having panic attacks, not in a good home environment, taking care of younger siblings, children, etc
- There are various services for students
- or call 408.864.8868.
- For immediate crisis intervention, call:Suicide and Crisis Service
Santa Clara County 1.855.278.4204 (Toll Free) - National Suicide Prevention & Hotline for Veterans
800.273.TALK (8255) (Toll Free) - Crisis Text Line
Text: "COURAGE" To: 741-741 - For life-threatening emergencies, call 9-1-1
- There are discussions on i cheating; and Advocate reports
- A large number of students are struggling with the online environment. It's definitely tough for them.
- Casey Cosgrove DASB senator: some professors are inflexible and not understanding; there is food and housing insecurity; struggle with unemployment; no access to stable internet; reachout and be kind to students; they are really struggling right now.
- Kimberly Lam, incoming DASB senator: students are struggling, but too embarrassed to let professors know; students are dealing with a lot of personal issues, looking for housing, looking for work; dealing with health or mental issues because of COVID; there seems to be more workload than the usual in-person classes; students are struggling to continue because there is too much work.
- Paige Wallace : Many students are facing unimaginable circumstances while still under immense pressure to perform in their classes and receive grades that directly determine their future. There is a lot riding on student’s grades that professors may not realize. I strongly encourage you all to consider why students may be cheating in your classes, if you believe that they are, and see what YOU can do to help them more and please reach out to them. Please be empathetic to students at this time and why they may be acting in ways that you don’t understand.
- Karen echoed the call for kindness and compassion. There is also a lot of hurt over the killing of George Floyd.
- Some felt that have been "sprinting" for 11 wks, really struggling; working at edge of their mental and physical bandwidth; it's time to pace
- The workload feels exponentially higher, it's way easier to fall behind, and it's so hard to develop that link with students. It's definitely been difficult.
- It's taxing. Nothing happens on time. Constant drama unfolding around us.
- We are working and living at work...hard to allow yourself personal boundaries; there are no boundaries on time.
- Many students are mentally on the edge; give realistic expectations; learn email etiquette.
- There is more cheating; people are under pressure, anxious, desperate. However, do we want to create an environment where people get away with cheating. Is the advocate report a punishment or simply a report? Does the report hurt the student or simply a documentation.
- Thomas on cheating: it is part of progressive discipline; 2 reports in a quarter can result in discipline; make your own judgement; speak to the student; give them the benefit of a doubt; use it as a teachable moment. Different deans have different practices. The procedural approach is to use the advocate report.
- Mary S: advocate report is a safety net; HEART: harm, evaluation, assessment and reduction team; soft touch, check in with the students; the classroom management, what the instructor observed and noticed, clarify the rules; if it is still happening and something is not right. Then, put the report in, the team is there, Michele, counselors,health/psy services, police. to check in with the student.
- Erik always encourages people to file advocate reports, it is a good fallback, to put it in the hands of other people to handle this. It also documents offenders so that they cannot claim ignorance. Erik also said that he has never gotten any report back and would like some feedback.
- Mary S: they cannot respond.
- Bob S: he was at the summit and heard the student voices; faculty should be compassionate with each other and with yourself; take a day off; can’t love everyone until you love yourself.
- Put your own oxygen mask on first.
VIII. Standing Committee updates- De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
- Self Care Week will be held this quarter during the week of June 15th. The Environmental Sustainability committee will be holding an event called “Sustaina-BITE-lity” this Friday from 1:30pm-3:30pm where they’ll be showing students how to cook vegan + pantry-friendly food @ Our last meeting is on the 10th and we have our leadership event this Wednesday
- Ad hoc committee, Student Voice in Government: have worked with DASB for a few years; students raised some concerns over the bond measure; students worked very hard on the bond measures; faculty, staff, and students need to have a strong voice on how that money is spent. The district has made decision without their input; there is no housing in the Flint center footprint; it is called the De Anza Event Center; there is not a lot of student friendly space; that is very upsetting; Pam has agreed to have a facilities meeting soon; some deep concerns being raised over what happened to housing in the plans.
- Danny: some issues are addressed in the resolution; The resolution affirms the shared governance role in making decisions that could impact student housing.There is a need for clarification and continue to press for answers
- Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
- Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
- Curriculum Committee
- Equity Action Council (EAC)
- College Planning Council
- Tech Committee
- Online Advisory Group
- Chancellor’s & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)
- Consultation Task Force, district wide task force that the Chancellor is using to make decisions on budget cuts. The task force has only had one meeting. Consist of mostly leadership and different constituency groups, including the unions and Senates; need to take a serious look at what is core to the district, what is core to the colleges; try to preserve the core; the cuts are going to have devastating impact.
- Judy has announced Dr. Lloyd Holmes as the next De Anza president; Karen is optimistic; he is coming into a difficult situation; she has faith that he will work his hardest for the best interest of the faculty and college; he will be confirmed at the Special Board Meeting.
IX. Good of the Order
- Erik: Curriculum workshop on completing the Online/Hybrid Delivery Request form, Thursday, 2:30-4PM.
- Dawn: upcoming professional development workshops:
- Cultivate compassion
- Bob S: might have been successful in diverting $77 million from Calbright to the rest of the community college system; will know more on June 15 on the budget; advocate on the federal front, need federal monies to backfill the California budget; need the monies from the Heroes Act;
- Mary P: annual SLO Convocation, Friday, starts at 10:30
- Susan motioned, Rusty seconded, to adjourn, no objection.
Karen Chow-
Mary Pape
Vice President
So Kam Lee
Notetaker/Secretary (F19)
Ishmael Tarikh-PT
Representss part-time faculty
Mary Donahue - PT
Represents part-time faculty
Applied Technologies
Pete Vernazza
Applied Technologies
Bob Kalpin
Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences
Anna Miller
Biological, Health & Enviromental Sciences
Business, Computer Science
Mary Pape
Business, Computer Science
Creative Arts
Ilan Glasman
Creative Arts
Nellie Vargas
Child Development
Betty Inoue
Barb Dahlke
Anita Vazifdar
Disability Support Program & Services
Kevin Glapion
Disability Support Program & Services
So Kam Lee
Intercultural/International Studies
Marc Coronado
Intercultural/International Studies
Terrence Mullens
Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering
Lisa Mesh
Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering
Shagun Kaur
Language Arts
Lauren Gordon
Language Arts
Susan Thomas
Social Studies & Humanities
Daniel Solomon
Social Studies & Humanities
Louise Madrigal
Physical Education & Athletics
Rusty Johnson
Physical Education & Athletics
Tom Dolen
Learning Resources
Mary Sullivan
Student Development
Cynthia Kaufman
Equity & Engagement
Erik Woodbury
Curriculum Committee
Guests Present (✔)
Thomas Ray
Administrative Representative
Paige Wallace
DASB Representative
Bob Stockwell
Faculty Association
Christina Espinosa-Pib
Interim De Anza President
Rob Miesa
VP of Student Services
Lorrie Ranck
Actin VP of Instruction
Pam Grey
Interim VP of Administrative Services
Hyon Chu Yi-Baker
Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs
Marisa Spatafore
Associate VP of Communications & External Relations
Stephanie Serna
Classified Senate President
Genevieve Kola
De Anza Student Trustee
Mallory Newell-
Institutional Research
Moaty Fayek
Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems
Renee Augenstein
Articulation Officer
Mary Bennett
Tenure Review Coordinator
Daniel Smith
Dean of Creative Arts
Eric Mendoza
Dean of Physical Education and Athletics
Alicia Cortez
Dean of Equity and Engagement
Randy Bryant
Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)
Isaac Escoto
Foothill Academic Senate President
Mary Pape
FHDA District Academic Senate President
Pam Grey
Associate VP of College Operations
Laureen Balducci
Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator
Anita Kandula
Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences
Michele LeBleu-Burns
Dean of Student Development/EOPS
Lisa Mandy
Director of Financial Aid
Nazy Gayloyan
Dean of Enrollment Services
Edmundo Norte
Dean of Intercultural/International Studies
Jerry Rosenberg
Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering
Judy Miner
FHDA Chancellor
Dawn Lee Tu
Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development
Elvin Ramos
Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities
Patrick Gannon
Director, Book Store
David Ulate
FHDA Research & Planning
Mae Lee
Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair