General Meeting Information

Date: January 10, 2022
Time: 2:30 - 4:20 p.m.
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    (representatives who have not updated their report-out and wish to, please do so)

    D All
    2:35-2:40 Approval of Agenda, Minutes from Nov 29, 2021 and Minutes from Special Meeting Jan 3, 2022 A Balm, S. Lee

    Public Comment on Items Not On Agenda

    (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    I All

    Introduction of new members and new deans

    I Balm, Marinas, Valadaz, Ferrara, D. Lee, Campbell

    Needs and Confirmations

    1. Confirmatiosn:
      Faculty Coordinator/Counselor, PRIDE Center
      Film/TV, Production
      Instructor, Paralegal Studies
    2. Replacement for Ishmael as Part-Time At-Large Representative on Executive Committee
    3. Replacement for Ishmael Tarikh on Police Chief’s Advisory Committee
    4. Excutive Committee should expect up to be asked to approve multiple hiring committees
    5. Academic Senate of California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Diversity Award

    Summary of Details


    Pape, Donahue

    Debrief and remaining questions or concerns from Winter Week 1

    D All

    Fall accomplishments and Winter priorities


    Balm, All

    Resolution on Proctoring Software

    D Balm, All

    Interim COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

    I/D Balm, All

    District Hiring Procedues

    D/A Balm, All
    4:05-4:20 Report-outs and Good of the Order I/D All

    To request to add an item to the agenda of a future Academic Senate meeting, email by noon on the Wednesday before.

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Cheryl reminded representatives to update their report-out.

    Approval of Agenda,
    Minutes from Nov 29, 2021 and Minutes from Special Meeting Jan 3, 2022

    • Lisa M moved, Mary D seconded to approve the agenda. No objection. Agenda approved by unanimous consent.
    • Erik moved, Shagun seconded to approve both sets of minutes. Minutes approved.

    Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • No public comment.

    Introduction and Welcome to new voting members and new deans

    There were 3 new voting members to the Executive Committee.

    Diana Ferrara, Italian Instructor, IIS Division. She came from Italy 10 years ago and became a US citizen 2 months ago. She wanted to get more involved and contribute to her department and division at De Anza.

    Rana Marinas, nursing faculty, BHES. It has been awhile since someone from the Nursing Department has served in the Academic Senate. She and Janice were in Nursing School and now they were faculty together. They appreciated the welcome and looked forward to learning and serving in the Senate

    Janice Valadaz, Nursing Department. She and Rana were both products of the De Anza Nursing program and were excited to be a part of the Academic Senate.

    Cheryl encouraged all new and old members to do more than just listen and observe.  Don’t be afraid to speak up. Robert’s Rule and Brown Act can be intimidating. There were people present like Erik who helped to navigate through the processes.

    Erik: The purpose of Robert’s Rule is to help meetings run smoothly and give everyone a fair chance to speak. The rules were not meant to be a barrier, nor obstruction to speak.

    From Erik in chat:
    Robert's Rules Online (very wordy)
    A more accessible explanation of RR:
    Erik’s  favorite cheat sheet:

    Cheryl: Feel free to message (in private or in public) Cheryl, Dawn, and Erik with questions.

    Cheryl has added pages for the new members to the Virtual Posters to edit for future discussion. It has been a great way for members to get to know each other better. She encouraged everyone to fill out and edit their pages.

    Introduction of new division deans
    Yvette Alva-Campbell, PSME Division Dean. She was the Director for the STEM Success Program and oversaw the MPS Program. Appreciated the warm welcome and new opportunity.

    Debbie Lee, IIS Division Dean. She last served as the Acting Interim Dean for the Fine Arts Communications and Kinesiology/Athletics Divisions, Foothill College. She will be finishing her masters in Asian American Studies. Appreciated the welcome and support received during her first day at De Anza and looked forward to working with and eventually meeting with everyone in person.

    Needs and Confirmation

    Confirmation of Hiring Committees:

    Faculty Coordinator/Counselor, PRIDE Center, Equity and Engagement
    Alicia Cortez, Dean E & E, Chair of Committee 
    Julie Lewis, African American Studies/WMST; LGBTQ course Instructor 
    Roseanne Quinn, EWRT-Former JMRR Faculty Coordinator 
    Jorge Morales, Counseling-Learning Community 
    Elvin Ramos, EO Representative

    Statement of Division or Department Selection Process: Faculty from across the campus with expertise of the LGBTQ community were asked to be part of the committee since this position will work with various divisions and departments to build a learning community.

    Felisa moved to approve the committee, Mark seconded; no objection. Unanimous consent.

    Film/TV, Production
    Daniel Smith, Dean Creative Arts, Chair of Committee 
    Milena Grozeva-Levy, Film/TV 
    Susan Tavernettil, Film/TV 
    Julie Hughes, Art 
    Not yet assigned, EO Representative

    Statement of Division or Department Selection Process: All FT department faculty were invited to be on the committee. FT faculty in other departments within the division were asked to be At Large members. All volunteers are being forwarded for consideration by the committee. 

    Shagun moved to approve, Robert A seconded.

    Discussion: there was concern about diversity on this committee. Lydia suggested that the chair of this committee should request an EO rep that would increase diversity in the committee.

    Called for vote: Yes 16, committee approved.

    Instructor, Paralegal Studies
    Elvin Ramos, Dean SSH, Chair of Committee 
    James Suites, Administration of Justice Jayanti Roy Child Development 
    Yvonne Mills, Paralegal 
    Derrick Felton, Psychology 
    Jila Maleksalehi, Child Development 
    Iva Tracey, EO Representative

    Statement of Division or Department Selection Process: The invitation and open call to serve on the committee was sent out to the division faculty on December 15, 2021 by the Dean. Interested members were asked to email Dr. Ramos by first week of Winter quarter

    Lisa M moved to approve the committee, Mark seconded, no objection, unanimous consent.

    Replacement for Ishmael as Part-Time At-Large Representative on Executive Committee to serve through June 30, 2022. A call will go out for a part-time faculty to finish the term. Only open to part-time faculty.

    Replacement for Ishmael Tarikh on the Police Chief’s Advisory Committee. This position is open to all.

    Submit the request to serve  by Wednesday, January 19.

    Special appreciation and thanks to Ishmael for all his services over the years on the Academic Senate and the other committees he has served. Well wishes to him and his family during this difficult time.

    The Executive Committee should expect to approve more hiring committees.

    Nomination is open for the Regina Stanback-Stroud Diversity Award sponsored this year by the Foundation for California Community Colleges. Completed application due by February 7, 2022. 

    Summary of Details

    Debrief and remaining questions or concerns from Winter Week 1

    The first week has been frustrating and confusing for on campus classes with failed communication and changing policy in response to the surge in Covid cases.

    Faculty were not receiving communications sent to students. That has been rectified.

    Following the current Santa Clara Health Department guideline, in-person classes must move online and quarantine for 10 days if any student reported positive test results, symptoms, or exposure.

    Instructors were advised to work with their deans, Christina and Rosafel, to work out the protocol for their affected classes. Individualized cases like outdoor swim classes, nursing classes that work directly with hospitals, or smaller classes may not have to observe the full 10-day quarantine.

    On-campus faculty may choose to move online until January 28. Contact and work with the deans.

    Faculty should fill out the COVID online reporting form as thoroughly as possible for Health Services to identify and make the proper determination for each class.

    Christina admitted that things have been chaotic and have not worked well. They have been working around the clock with emergency meetings and trying to contact Santa Clara Health Department for the latest guidelines. The Contact Tracing Team at Foothill that was doing contact tracing for both colleges became so overwhelmed that they can no longer do contact tracing for De Anza. 

    The situation was evolving and changing fast. They will try to update the website with the latest information.

    Fall accomplishments and Winter priorities

    Fall accomplishments
    Guided Pathways won the ASCCC 2021-22 Exemplary Program Award
    Danny Solomon, part time faculty, has been nominated for the Hayward Excellence in Education Award.
    The Senate as a body has stayed focused, moving forward, and getting things done.
    The report-out system has been effective in updating what has been happening around campus.
    Reports: Shared Governance Task Forcen Proposal; Affordable Housing
    Sharings: Illan on the Music Department;  instructors teaching on campus .

    Winter priorities
    Review of AP4130  hiring procedures 
    Vaccination policy
    Shared Governance Task Force proposal
    Proctoring software
    More support to the Guide Pathways initiative
    OER and Follet follow up to improve OER adoption by Spring quarter

    Email Cheryl and the officers with any additional items for winter quarter.

    Resolution on Proctoring Software (1st read)

    DRAFT Resolution

    DRAFT Technology and Equity Requirements

    Cheryl asked for feedback on the resolution and the requirements. She has sent the drafts for feedback to Heidi, Dawn, Lydia, the affinity groups, Online Ed, ETS, and those who brought the proctoring software item to the Senate.

    Erik moved, Rick seconded to extend time 10 minutes. Motion passed

    Rick suggested adding the word “some” to “currently available software.”

    People can email suggestions to Cheryl to update the document for the next meeting.

    Erik raised concerns about funding: How the software is priced and paid for opens up a huge can of worms and complicates the requirements. There is college-level funding not available to individual departments or divisions specifically tied to online instruction. He was specifically thinking of CARES-type funding aimed at moving classes online.

    Lydia: CARES funding has limited time, specific for the moment, not beyond the next year or two.

    Erik was worried about the Online Ed/Office of Professional Development being able to develop and offer training in time to implement the program before next quarter.

    Adel shared from a student perspective that it was stressful and confusing to have classes using different proctoring technology. She advocated choosing and using the same software for all the classes. It was also an equity concern.

    Cheryl asked Adel and DASG for feedback on the resolution and requirements. She encouraged them to come up with their own resolution on such software.

    Mary Pape: #3 on Requirements for Faculty Adoption addresses Adel's concerns but could be stated stronger.

    Mark: The longer we teach remotely, the more we need to think about human proctoring on-campus.

    Interim COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

    This policy was implemented in the fall and has come back for renewal. Cheryl asked for feedback on requiring a booster in addition to vaccination.

    Mary D: Most people are in favor of requiring a booster. She raised concern over having adequate time to implement the booster policy. Would the policy keep students from enrolling and coming onto campus.

    Cheryl asked for any opposition to requiring the booster and received no response.

    District Hiring Procedures

    Proposed changes to AP 4130 Section C on Faculty Hiring Procedures

    DDEAC's full chart tracking proposed revisions

    Cheryl identified 3 areas for discussion.

    First, Part time faculty on administrative hiring committees.  In 2018, the Senate voted and approved the language that a part-time faculty should be included in the higher administrative hirings of deans and above. That language was not in the current draft. Cheryl will track down what happened to that language.

    Mary D: That was voted, approved, and implemented. Ishmael was the chair of the hiring committee for the current president. Mary D has served on three hiring committees for deans.

    Second. Guaranteed interviews for at least two part time faculty applicants to full time positions. Mary D reported support from the De Anza part time faculty community. No one at the meeting had any issue with this change.

    Third, Including students on hiring committees. There have been a lot of concerns over having students on faculty hiring committees, like student time commitment and confidentiality.

    Rick:  Students should NOT be on faculty hiring committees.

    The officers suggested changes that included: students “may” be part of the committee and can join the interview, teaching demonstration, or open forum.

    Cecilia: if students join at the end, what would be the weight of the student input and feedback?

    Mark: getting student feedback could raise a red flag or highlight a blind spot for the committee.

    Carol Cini, History Department. She only heard about the proposal last week and was surprised that it had not been presented to faculty and departments. There are serious confidentiality and potential liability issues since students are not employees. It would be helpful to have students on teaching demonstrations for feedback. She valued student input. However, having students officially on a hiring committee is problematic. It could put students in an uncomfortable position. Having faculty on the same committee with a former or future student could be a conflict of interest. These issues need to be discussed across campus and in departments before it is official and permanent.

    Cheryl will work on and bring back for the next meeting in two weeks proposed language based on comments and feedback. She encouraged everyone to take this matter to their constituencies to get feedback before the meeting.

    Report-out  and Good of the Order: 

    Rick motioned, Mary D seconded, to adjourn, no objection.





    Cheryl Balm


    Mary Pape

    Executive Secretary

    So Kam Lee

    Part-time Faculty Representatives


    Mary Donahue

    Academic Services & 
    Learning Resources

    Cecilia Hui

    Bio/Health/Environmental Sciences 

    Rana Marinas

    Janice Valadez

    Business/Computer Science/
    Applied Technologies

    Rick Maynard


    Career Technical Education & Workforce Development



    Counseling - General

    Robert Alexander

    Lisa Castro

     Counseling - Embedded

    Felisa Vilaubi

    Helen Pang

    Creative Arts  



    Disability Support Programs & Services and Adapted PE 

    Kevin Glapion

    Anita Vazifdar

    Equity and Engagement

    Liliana Rivera

    Intercultural/International Studies

    Diana Ferrara


    Language Arts 

    Shagun Kaur

    Lauren Gordon

    Physical Education 

    Rusty Johnson

    Mark Landefeld

    Physical Sciences, Math, & Engineering

    Lisa Mesh


    Social Sciences & Humanities

    Emily Beggs

    Nellie Vargas

    Student Development & EOPS

    Melinda Hughes

    Curriculum Committee

    Erik Woodbury

    Professional Development*

    Dawn Lee Tu

    Administrator Liaison*

    Lydia Hearn

    DASG Representatives*

    Dimitri Yanovskyi

    Adel Burieva

    Faculty Association Representative*

    Mary Donahue

    Affinity Group Representatives*

    Glynn Wallis, BFSA

    *non-voting member





    Lloyd Holmes

    De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Christina Espinosa-Pieb

    VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    VP of Administrative Services

    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs


    Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

    Scott Olsen

    Classified Senate

    Michelle Fernandez

    De Anza Student Trustee

    Mallory Newell

    Institutional Research

    Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

    Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

    Brian Malone

    Tenure Review Coordinator

    Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

    Eric Mendoza

    Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

    Thomas Ray

    Dean of Language Arts

    Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

    Randy Bryant

    Dean of Career & Technical Education (CTE)

    Kathryn Maurer

    Foothill Academic Senate President

    Karen Chow

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

    Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

    Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

    Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

    Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

    Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

    Debbie Lee

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

    Yvette Alva-Campbell

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

    Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

    Elvin Ramos

    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

    Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

    David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning

    Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

    Tabia Lee

    Faculty Director of Equity, Social Justice & Multicultural Education

    Tim Harper


Zoom Information 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 965 2582 7103
Passcode: 702613

Phone one-tap: +16699006833,,96525827103# US (San Jose) 

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