General Meeting Information

Date: April 15, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.
    (Please complete your report out if you haven't already)

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 18th, 2024 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)

    I/D/A Guitron

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    I/D Guitron

    Confirmations (Attachment)

    I/D/A Guitron

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    2:40-2:50 Information on Proposal to Allow Campus Police to use Tasers I/D Pape
    2:50-3:00 Request for Support of DASG Resolution: Resolution for Block Scheduling in De Anza Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Lab Offerings I/D Ang
    2:55-3:15 Academic Senate Scholarship I/D/A Vilaubi

    Program Consultation Committee Proposal

    I/D Woodbury

    Subcommittee Updates

    I/D Woodbury


    Review and Comments on proposed Resolutions at ASCCC Spring Plenary 2024  
    Resolution Packet

    I/D/A Woodbury

    Preparation for Joint Senate Meeting: Online Instruction Training, RSI, & Accessibility

    Crosswalk Presentation

    I/D Woodbury

    Good of the Order
    Report Out Highlights

    Please review all report outs

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    I. Call to Order


    Erick Woodbury reminded representatives to fill out their report out. He also encouraged faculty to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, June 29, 2024.

    Check website for more information:

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 18th, 2024

    Lisa Mesh moved, Ravjeet Singh seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection.

    Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment

    Ravjeet Singh asked about how to submit questions and comments for the town hall meeting on Friday. 

    Christina G. Espinosa-Pieb:  If you have comments, concerns or suggestions for the first part of the Town Hall: What is De Anza College looking for in their next President? Please send your email directly to Carla Maitland, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor.

    Mary Donahue tried to remove pencil drawing on a desktop in her classroom. An eraser did not work. The hand sanitizer cleaned up that desk really well.

    Catherina Wong: The Phi Beta Lamba Club, Future Business Leaders of America, won prizes at a state business conference, Three of them placed first.

    Shagun Kaur reminded faculty to mark their classes accurately as “low cost” or “no cost.”

    Erik Woodbury welcomed new Senate members: Veronica Avila Acevedo. DASG representatives, Ian Ang and Shawn Hendrata.

    II. Consent Calendar

    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)

    Local GE Committee:

    Stephanie Anderson, FT, Tenured, Language Arts

    Ravjeet Singh moved, Joyanti Roy moved to approve. No objections.

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    COOL Committee: (Committee of Online Learning) Need faculty representatives from all divisions.

    Tenure committee at-large members

    At Large Representatives for Tenure Review Committees. The goal is to approve committees in the spring quarter to be ready for fall.

    Confirmations (Attachment)
    Hiring Committee,  Equity Faculty Coordinator

    Alicia de Toro, Faculty, Environmental Science 

    Sal Breiter, Faculty Coordinator, Office of Professional Development 

    James Nguyen, Faculty, Political Science

    Angelica Esquivel Moreno, Program Coordinator, VIDA 

    Adriana Garcia, Program Coordinator, Equity Office 

    Adrienne Hypolite, Associate Dean, Learning Communities 

    Michelle Hernandez, Chair Dean, Equity and Engagement

    Debbie Lee, EO Rep *

    Hiring Committee, Auto Tech Instructor

    Dave Capitolo, Faculty, Auto Tech 

    Xavier Silva Faculty, Auto Tech 

    Pete Vernazza Faculty, Auto Tech 

    Manisha Karia, Chair Dean, BCAT Division 

    Randy Bryant EO Rep *approved by HR

    Shagun Kaur moved, Sherwin Mendoza seconded to approve the hiring committees.

    There was concern that the committee does not have majority or even equal faculty representation.

    Shagun Kaur withdrew her motion to approve both committees

    Cheryl Balm moved, Felisa Vilaubi seconded to approve the Auto Tech Hiring Committee, no objection. Committee approved.

    Shagun Kaur motion to send back with concern for a more balance committee, Cheryl Balm seconded

    Felisa Vilaubi moved to amend the motion with “adding a faculty.” Cheryl Balm seconded

    Motion: to send back for another faculty to be added.

    Felisa Vilaubi volunteered to serve if another faculty is added to the committee

    Lydia Kern pointed out the timeline. Committee was to start work this week

    Vote to table and send back to add one more faculty to the committee

    Yes 16, No 2, Abstain 3.  Motion passed.

    Tenure Review Committee, Leah Smith, Student Development & EOPS/NextUP Counseling & DSPS 

    Anita Vazifdar, Counselor Student Development & EOPS/NextUp Melinda Hughes, Counselor Student Development & EOPS/NextUp Michele LeBleu-Burns, Dean 

    At Large Representative Not applicable **Phase III**S

    Glynn Wallis moved to approve, Mary Donahue seconded. Committee approved.

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Discussion of Proposal to Allow Campus Police to use Tasers

    Campus Safety & Security Hate Crimes PCAC 2023

    PCAC Discussion of Tasers as FHDA equipment

    Mary Pape shared a proposal by Chief Augusta to equip campus police with tasers. It does need board approval. At this point, Chief August has discussed it at 2 meetings of the PCAC, the police chiefs advisory committee.The proposal will go before the board for review and decision. It was first presented 2/15.

    The campus officers are limited in safety equipment and tools. The current options are OC spray, baton, and deadly force. So what he's asking for is something in between deadly force and the OC spray and baton. Bean bag weapons are not taken out of the vehicle on a routine call versus a taser that the officer carries. Violence has increased overall. There have been increased calls for police service but police department staffing is decreasing. 

    Tasers are non-lethal tools for the officers to use. Tasers are effective at a distance, which is better for officer safety. They are a safer middle force between batons and OC spray and firearms. And are more effective than batons or OC spray. Chief Acosta told of situations where OC spray gets into the officer's eyes and was actually a hindrance than a help in any way.

    In the last PCAC meeting at Foothill the chief answered many questions and concerns regarding the use of tasers. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 18, 4-5 pm. There will be another meeting on Tuesday, May 14 that comes before any board ruling. Send questions and concerns to Mary Pape.

    There were many questions and concerns on the topic. Felisa will send Mary a list of concerns. Some people wanted more current and relevant data. Others asked about possible alternatives to tasers.

    Mary Pape will find out when the proposal will go before the board.

    Erik will bring this topic back for further discussion.

    Representatives should share this information with their constituents.

    Request for Support of DASG Resolution: 

    Resolution for Block Scheduling in De Anza Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Lab Offerings

    Isaac Tsang, vice president, DASG, presented the resolution and requested support from the Academic Senate. 

    The resolution requests implementation of  block scheduling in the highly demanded STEM series labs, including but not limited to the PHYS 4 series, BIOL 6 series, CHEM 1 series, and CHEM 12 series lab sections.

    DASG conducted a survey that found 84% of respondents have experienced conflict with lab classes.

    These classes are in high demand and are pivotal to student transfer, academic, and career success, for a variety of academic majors and fields including nursing, chemistry, biology, engineering, biochemistry, etc. These conflicts have prevented and delayed students from finishing their coursework in a timely manner.

    Mary Donahue: This resolution was in the last report-out. She has brought this issue to the FA union. How long has it been happening; and how can it be fixed?

    There was general appreciation for the DASG research and presentation on this issue. People were interested in more discussion on a solution to the problem.

    This was the first read. It will come back for more discussion and decision.

    Erik Woodbury pointed out that Senate does not control scheduling.

    Academic Senate Scholarship

    Felisa: The scholarship committee proposed a scholarship specifically addressing the needs of students who don’t necessarily seek out a scholarship. They tried to figure out a way to serve students that wouldn't otherwise necessarily find those opportunities.They talked about doing a combination of faculty nominations and student nominations.

    In their discussion with financial aid, they discovered that the scholarship cannot bypass the achievement platform which the scholarship committee proposed for equity reasons. 

    Lisa Mandy came up with the brilliant plan to create it as an award rather than a scholarship. Financial aid has financial contingency funds as a place to deposit its scholarship funds. The Senate can have a subcommittee to review and award for student needs on a quarterly basis or as determined by the Senate. 

    Cheryl Balm moved to rename academic scholarship to an award in the procedure as outlined by Lisa Mandy, Sherwin Mendoza seconded. No objection. Motion approved.

    There may be a need for a change in the by-laws.

    Program Consultation Committee Proposal

    Erik Woodbury shared the Proposal for the formation of the Program Consultation Committee. Please review and give feedback.

    Subcommittee Updates
    AI Subcommittee

    Cheryl Balm moved Felisa Vilaubi seconded to table item for 2 weeks.

    Senate Governance

    Erik Woodbury shared the proposed revisions to the Constitution and By-Laws

    People should review the sections in red and share with their constituencies.

    Review and Comments on proposed Resolutions at ASCCC Spring Plenary 2024  

    Resolution Packet

    Senate members highlighted resolutions for discussion.

    Shagun Kaur asked for support for 102.01

    Cheryl Balm had a question about 111.01 asked about the paper. Mary Donahue commented that it was long, very long. It does not seem to do anything and brought out a lot of issues for her. She suggested getting more detail

    Other resolutions highlighted were 113.05; 113.03 with a question on its phrase “provisionally support” 

    On 113.02, why Nov 8?

    112 on disciplines; experts in the field will be teaching the course.

    Cheryl Balm, support for 113.01 Nursing degree, BA program.

    Return to Confirmations

    Felisa Vilaubi motioned to return to the agenda item on the Confirmation of the Hiring Committee for the Equity Faculty Coordinator. Mary Donahue seconded. No objections.

    Cheryl Balm motioned to amend and approve the committee with the addition of Felisa Vilaubi as an additional faculty member, to be requested and pending the approval of Michele LeBleu-Burns, Dean, EOPS/Care and Student Development. Mary Donahue seconded. No objections.

    The committee is approved as amended

    Preparation for Joint Senate Meeting: Online Instruction Training, RSI, & Accessibility

    Mary Donahue: Foothill and De Anza should agree. She also suggested skipping the introduction and getting down to business.

    Good of the Order

    Cheryl Balm: The DDEAC+HRAC (District Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee + Human Resources Advisory Committee) has not had any meeting..

    Mary Donahue; 

    The Faculty Assn (union) March 2024 newsletter can be found at: 

    James Capurso:

    Building RSI in Course Workshop on 4/17 from 2pm to 3pm 

    Report Out Highlights

    Please review all report outs


    Cheryl Balm motioned, Ravjeet Singh seconded, to adjourn, no objection.


    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, Cheryl Balm, Sam Bliss*, Mary Donahue, Lauren Gordon, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Kevin Glapion, Shagun Kaur, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Rachel Silveria, Ravjeet Singh, James Tallent, Felisa Vilaubi, Glynn Wallis, Catherina Wong, *Ian Ang, *Sean Hendrata


    Mirsaeid Abolghasemi, Cecilia Hui, Rusty Johnson, Lydia Hearn*, Mark Landefeld


    *Deborah Armstrong, Liliana Rivera, Li Wei Sun

Meeting URL:   

Meeting ID: 827 6323 9453
Passcode: 275329

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Rusty Johnson  PE 51G, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mirsaeid Abolghasemi 101 W.Weddell Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Yes
Cecilia Hui 1230 S Blaney Ave, San Jose, CA 95129 Yes

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