General Meeting Information

Date: May 6, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from April 29th, 2024 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar

    I/D/A Guitron

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    • Hiring Committee, VIce President, Administrative Services
    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • ASCCC (six) Representatives -- Common Course Numbering
    I/D Guitron

    Confirmations (Attachment)

    • Hiring Committee, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
    • Hiring Committee, Anthropology Instructor
    • Hiring Committee, Sociology Instructor
    • Hiring Committee, Vice President of Administrative Services
    I/D/A Guitron

    IV. New & Continuing Business


    Review of Report Outs

    Report from DASG

    I/D Woodbury

    Request for Support of DASG Resolution: Resolution for Block Scheduling in De Anza Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Lab Offerings

    I/D/A Woodbury

    FHDA Board Meeting items for 5/6/2024
    Board Website

    I/D/A Woodbury
    3:30-3:55 I/D Woodbury
    3:55-4:10 I/D Woodbury

    Program Consultation Committee Proposal

    I/D Woodbury

    Good of the Order

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    I. Call to Order


    Erik Woodbury: There are copies of the Local Senate Handbook and the Rostrum, ASCCC semiannual publ ication, available for people to pick up. They are valuable senate resources.

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from April 29th, 2024

    Update to agenda in the confirmation area with additional hiring committees that came in after Friday. Need two third approval to add items.

    No objection. Both the amended agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment 
    Response to Chief Acosta’s last week from APASA.

    Sherwin Mendoza read the following response from APASA to Chief Acosta’s presentation last week.

    “As members of the Asian Pacific American Staff Association, we acknowledge the vital role of our district police in maintaining the safety and security of our members and the campus as a whole.  We also acknowledge the challenges facing the district's police department, which include the difficulty in recruiting and retaining police officers, tied to the unaffordable cost of housing in our district.  We also acknowledge the pressure on the department due to the increased number of calls with fewer officers to respond.  Finally, we acknowledge the seeming increase in distressed and disruptive students and community members on our campus.

    However, we do not believe that equipping police with tasers is the best solution for these problems.  First of all, because tasers kill.  Secondly, because we are aware of instances such as the tasering of Marlo Custodio and his brother by the San Jose Police Department in 2007, which we believe can never be justified.  Finally, because tasers create further risk of the district being sued by those who are tasered.  Instead of further arming our police officers, we believe that a better solution will be to engage the whole college community in maintaining our own safety in ways that will not require more violence.

    We urge the district to revive the pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine policing and security.  In particular, we endorse the proposal made in 2017 by the Community Policing Task Force to establish "a community policing model that advances the mission of the college and district, holds the police accountable to the community, and creates the conditions whereby students do not feel threatened by the very persons who are supposed to be providing security and protection."  We believe that we must approach distressed and disruptive students as people who need mental health and other services, not as criminals or caricatures.  Finally, we believe that as many members of our community as possible should be trained to prevent and help in the de-escalation of potentially dangerous situations.

    Looking forward, we would be pleased to work with others in the campus community, including shared governance, other affinity groups, bargaining units, and the district police, to create a safe and secure campus without tasers.”

    Jayanti Roy: Anti-Bias Plenary-Empowering educators and students to overcome bias and embrace diversity, Sunday, May 12, and Monday, May 13, 9 a.m. to noon. 

    Conference schedule


    Mary Pape: They discussed the fraudulent student issue at their last technology meeting. Kim Te has been dealing with fraudulent issues and dropping those students. They are talking about putting AD for administrative drop on the faculty roster. They are also checking phone numbers and CWID numbers for legitimacy. Administration and faculty have to be especially vigilant in asynchronous classes.

    Felisa Vilaubi pointed out the potential negative effect on undocumented students who may be fearful of providing certain information.

    II. Consent Calendar

    No Item

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)
    • Hiring Committee, Vice President, Administrative Services
    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    Common Course Numbering (CCN): Faculty Convening and Survey Opportunities

    Need faculty to work with intersegmental faculty from across the state, to review and provide feedback on the draft CCN Templates for the six highest-enrolled general education courses listed below: 

    • Communication Studies/Public Speaking, COMM 110
    • English/College Composition, ENGL 100
    • English/Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking, ENGL 105
    • Math/Introduction to Statistics, MATH 110
    • Political Science/Intro to American Government and Politics, POLS 110
    • Psychology/Introductory Psychology, PSY 110

    Faculty members will have to attend the entirety of one of the following CCN virtual events. All events will address the six courses. The ASCCC will provide a $260 participant stipend per faculty per course.

    • Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    • Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
    • Monday, June 24, 2024, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    There are only 3 quarter schools in the state. Representation from De Anza these schools are very important as the state moves forward with CCN.  

    Interested faculty should submit their names and statements. The Senate will vote to appoint and approve on May 20.

    Erik will send out a call for this need.

    Senate Election

    Nomination for Part Time At-large Rep due May 17th.

    Confirmations (Attachment)
    Hiring Committee, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
    • Michele LeBleu-Burns, Chair, Dean 
    • Leah Smith, Counselor, EOPS 
    • Wil Firmender, Counselor, Director of Mental Health & Wellness Ctr 
    • Becket DiGregorio, Classified 
    • Thomas Ray, Dean, Language Arts 
    • EOPS Eric Mendoza EO Rep *approved by HR

    Hiring Committee, Anthropology Instructor
    • Elvin Ramos, Chair, Dean, Social Science & Humanities 
    • Ameeta Tiwana Faculty, Anthropology 
    • Bob Stockwell Faculty, Political Science 
    • Derrick Felton Faculty, Psychology 
    • Alex Giardino EO Rep *approved by HR

    Hiring Committee, Sociology Instructor
    • Elvin Ramos, Chair Dean, Social Sciences & Humanities 
    • Derrick Felton Faculty, Psychology 
    • Steve Nava Faculty, Sociology 
    • Laura Chin Faculty, Political Science
    • Gabriela Nocito EO Rep *approved by HR
    Hiring Committee, Vice President of Administrative Services
    • Marisa Spatafore, Chair AVP, Communications & Ext Rel
    • Patty Guitron, AS Faculty Representative 
    • Erik Woodbury, AS Faculty Representative 
    • Manny DaSilva, Interim Director, College Operations
    • Kit Ocanada, HR Technician 
    • Pippa Gibson, Executive Assistant 
    • Martin Varela, Director, College Fiscal Services 
    • Sirisha Pingali, Director, Budget Operations 
    • Manisha Karia, Dean, BCAT Division 
    • Lisa Mandy EO Rep *approved by HR

    Cheryl Balm moved to approve all 4 hiring committees, Mary Pape seconded. No objection. Committees approved.

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Report from DASG

    Internal elections for 2024-25 senators. 

    Review of Report Outs

    Erik highlighted some items from the April 29th Report Out.

    He encouraged reps to attend the ASCCC Plenary. The Senate will continue to make scholarships available. The link to the final resolution result is in the report. 

    He encouraged faculty to attend the graduation ceremony on June 29.  This is a special day for the students. 

    Membership Drive.

    Erik encouraged current active Senate members to actively recruit from their constituents and direct them to the membership form. The officers would much rather see our supporting membership grow and avoid raising dues. A lot of current members are retiring. Senate membership and revenue are shrinking.

    There were discussions and suggestions for the membership drive. People should bring proposals to the next meeting.

    Shagun Kaur on ZTC. She highlighted the Acceleration 2.0 Grants, Impact Grant, and the OER Expansion Grants.

    Mary Pape highlighted her report on the DBAC Meeting of 4/16/2024 that outlined and explained the formula that determines current and future FHDA district funding.

    Catherina Wong reminded reviewers to check whether they have workflows needing their attention in eLumen. 

    Shagun Kaur, Measure G Megaproject Task Force: There is a QR code for people to read and sign a Measure G joint statement to be presented at the May 6 board meeting.

    Sherwin Mendoza, APASA (Asian Pacific American Staff Association):May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.  To celebrate, ASAM and Vibrant Communities are hosting/participating in a series of events.  See Report out for schedule of events.

    DALA. Support the 30th Annual Latinx Graduation fundraiser. They are selling conchas/pan dulce, Mexican sweetbread.

    PE. Welcome to their new basketball coach. Kudos to the track and field team for setting a school record and winning the Coast Conference Championship and the NorCal Championship for the first time.

    See Report out for details on other reports.

    Request for Support of DASG Resolution:

    Resolution for Block Scheduling in De Anza Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Lab Offerings

    LK summarized his comments from last week. Biology has discussed this issue. They are working with students would like more students to have access to the biology classes. The challenges are: they only have 4 classrooms to schedule their labs. Also, their program is designed for 3 years for transfer. It would be hard to align classes to complete the work in 2 years. They are reviewing and working on maximizing the efficacy of the timeline. 

    Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa shared a link to the Guided Pathway mapping for Biology -- Associates Degree for Transfer. It maps a 3-year program that integrates the biology classes with math, chemistry, and physics. In view of the resolution, they will have to review the Guided Pathway mapping to identify and resolve the issus.

    Biology and Chemistry have been working on this problem for over 10 years.

    Someone asked: How many students were affected by the scheduling conflict?

    LK and Elsa: According to their data, 20 students were affected.

    Felisa wondered how many students are taking classes elsewhere when there is scheduling conflict.

    Lydia Hearn: She and Christina Espinosa-Pieb have been working on this for winter or spring quarter. They brought together chemistry and biology and there was a lab conflict. Biology did work with chemistry to make some slight adjustments so that they didn't overlap. She recently reached out to both areas with their deans and schedulers to see what is possible. She will be reviewing all the literature that has been generated on this issue, including the data from DASG. 

    Felisa Vilaubi moved to endorse the resolution, Ravjeet Singh seconded. No objections. Motion passed.

    FHDA Board Meeting items for 5/6/2024

    Board Website

    Erik shared the board meeting agenda to highlight items for feedback, concerns, and questions as he will be representing the Senate at the meeting. 

    He started with item 23, the recommended reallocation of the $75 million previously allocated to building the Event Center/Arts Quad.

    Other items of interest would be the housing project, the DASG budget.

    There was some discussion on item 5, in terms of new district positions that are being created. They included creating a new Vice Chancellor of Organizational Effectiveness and Engagement, also a new Associate Dean for Student Affairs, as well as a chancellor’s advisor, for in-house council instead of hiring outside lawyers.

    There were questions and comments on the funding for these positions as well as the lack of transparency in decision making. 

    It's hard for people to feel valued. It's hard for faculty to want to join committees. It's hard to want to do anything outside your classroom, when you don't even matter enough to receive information.

    There was a question about how the board solicits and processes feedback.

    The Medical Center is not on this month’s agenda. There is a letter of understanding and the project will be on De Anza campus,

    Governance Updates (First Read)


    Erik went through and explained the proposed changes in the Constitution. 

    There is a proposed structural change, with the curriculum co-chair taking an elected vice president role. There is also a proposed addition of a senate seat for online learning. There are also changes to the terms of the officers. 

    There were discussions on the pros and cons for term limits that officers can serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms.

    The approved constitution updates will have to be ratified by the entire Senate body in the upcoming spring election.


    People were asked  to review the updates.

    Updates to AP/BP 2410 (first read)

    Kathryn Maurer, District Senate President, presented the first read of the updates of the board and administrative policies.

    There were questions and discussions in the room.

    Cheryl Balm moved to approve, motion died for lack of a second.

    Some people were not comfortable with approving it yet and would like time to reflect. It will be brought back for further deliberation next week.

    Program Consultation Committee Proposal

    This is a newly proposed committee that will focus mainly on advising and feedback on new courses and new programs. Then, on recommendations on program updates and discontinuation.

    This program will help with the initial curriculum work as well as fill in gaps left by the dissolution of IPBT. The committee would support RAPP by consolidating the review work and feedback for new programs into one place. The focus of this committee is to interact positively with departments early in the process and support them to succeed.

    It was asked and confirmed that this is not a viability committee. People are not in trouble when reviewed by this committee.This process is much more positive. The proposal has been brought to RAPP, the Senate, and eventually to the College Council.

    Cheryl Balm proposed more discussions and additions to the charge.

    Good of the Order

    Cheryl Balm motioned, Lisa Mesh seconded, to adjourn, no objection.

    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, *Ian Ang, Cheryl Balm, *Sam Bliss,  Mary Donahue, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, *Sean Hendrata, Rusty Johnson, Shagun Kaur,  Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, Liliana Rivera, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Rachel Silveria, Leah Smith, Ravjeet Singh, James Tallent, Felisa Vilaubi, Catherina Wong


    Mirsaeid Abolghasemi,  Cecilia Hui, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Mark Landefeld, Jamie Pelusi


    *Deborah Armstrong, Li Wen Sun, Glynn Wallis

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 827 6323 9453
Passcode: 275329

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mirsaeid Abolghasemi 101 W.Weddell Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Yes
Cecilia Hui 1230 S Blaney Ave, San Jose, CA 95129 Yes
Jamie Pelusi Pride Center (LC 138), 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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