General Meeting Information

Date: October 7, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held in a Hybrid modality, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Sept. 30th, 2024 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar  


    I/D/A Pape

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    Campus CenterAdvistory Board

    Due Process Pool for Tenure Committee

    Ongoing Needs:

      • AS Scholarship Committee members
      • COOL Committee
      • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
      • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives

      TRC Start Fall 2024

    I/D Pape


    Campus Facilities Committee Statements

    Rank Choice Voting for Campus Facilities: 

    ASCCC Faculty Convening Faculty Volunteers

    I/D/A Pape

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    2:45-2:55 Quick Updates
    • ACCJC Report Out
    • College Services on Friday
    • Bookstore Concerns
    • Fall Plenary Scholarship (Nov 7-9, online)



    Orientation to Senate

    Intro To Senate 2024

    • Purview (The 10+1)
    • Norms and Practices
    • Constitution and By Laws
    • Relation to other Governance Bodies
    I/D Woodbury

    Proposed POCR Plan  (2nd Read)




    GE Committee Development

    • Charge
    • Membership
    • Timeline
    I/D Woodbury

    Senate Goals for the Year

    I/D Woodbury

    Good of the Order

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    I. Call to Order

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Sept. 30th, 2024

    Ravjeet Singh moved, James Tallent seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection.

    Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment 

    Megan Brophy, some classroom lapel mics are not working. Need constant maintenance such as replacement batteries and necessary services.

    Submit a ticket through the division. The offices should keep extra batteries accessible.

    James Tallent; support the annual Automotive can drive and donate by 11/7.

    II. Consent Calendar


    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)
    Immediate Needs:

    Campus Center Advisory Board, 2 faculty representatives

    Due Process Pool for Tenure Committee, 2024-25, 2 faculty representatives. Direct questions to Shagun Kaur. Need volunteers to serve in this committee by next week. In the past, this committee has been filled by volunteers from the room.

    Ongoing Needs 

    AS Scholarship Committee members

    COOL Committee openings

    • Asian Pacific American Staff Association (APASA)
    • Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA)
    • Business, Computer Science, and Applied Technology
    • Counseling
    • Creative Arts
    • Equity and Engagement
    • Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering:

    EO Representatives for Hiring Committees

    Tenure Review At-Large Representatives

    Academic Senate openings in the following areas

    Black Faculty & Staff Association (BFSA): 1 seat open; CTE: 2 seats open;Counseling (General): 2 seats open; DSPS/APE: 1 seat open ; IIS: 1 seat open

    Tenure Review Committees Fall 2024

    Campus Facilities Committee Statements

    There were 5 volunteers for 3 positions on the committee.

    Voting members participated in rank choice voting.

    Mary Pape announced the voting results: Rachel Catuiza, Sarah Lisha, and Jamie Pelusi were confirmed for the committee.

    RAPP, 2 faculty openings,

    Non-instructional faculty, 1 or 2 year term

    At-Large faculty (Fall 24 only) 

    1 volunteer, Simon Kang’a, Biology, BHES, Full Time Tenured

    There was discussion over whether Simon should fill the at-large position for the fall quarter or the non-instructional faculty position for the year. There have been no non-instructional volunteers. Also, the committee has a steep learning curve, therefore, it would be beneficial to have someone finish the year. The longer they serve, the better it would be for the committee.

    There are 5 faculty positions in RAPP. They represent all faculty.

    Veronica Acevedo motioned to approve Simon Kang’a for the 1 year non-instructional faculty position, Sherwin Mendoza seconded. No objection. Motion approved. 

    ASCCC Faculty Convening Faculty Volunteers

    Carol Cini, History; Karen Chow, English; Ravjeet Singh or designee, Economics; Brandon Gainer, Communications; Shagun Kaur, Communications

    Bob Singh motioned to approve the above additional volunteers, James Tallent seconded. No objection. Motion approved.

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Quick Updates
    ACCJC (Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior College) Report Out 

    The team visited last week and gave their report Wednesday afternoon. De Anza did not get any findings, 2 recommendations, and a commendation. 

    They recommend that De Anza continue to develop and support the work on RSI training. They were impressed with the work from last year. The second recommendation was the review and update on administrative and  board policies. The district has hired a consultant to update them. The Senate along with other leadership teams will be involved in reviewing policies related to their areas. The Senate will review and give feedback to those related to 10 plus one over the next few years.

    The report included a commendation for De Anza’s use of disaggregated data in tracking student success and equity goals. 

    College Services on Friday

    Erik discussed the matter with Sam Bliss AVPI and Lydia Hearn VPI. They're very interested in making sure that our students are supported on Fridays. They need more specifics on the needs to determine how to address them. They encouraged people to write in details their specific situations and send them to the officers.

    Bookstore Concerns

    Lydia Hearn: faculty should report bookstore problems to their deans to collect information for them to discuss with the bookstore. They need to determine if it was an isolated case or multiple problems. They have discussed past issues with the bookstore. There have been some changes.

    They are hearing fewer issues with the bookstore. They would like to ascertain if things are improving, if the problems are new issues, or old recurring issues.

    Shagun Kaur: The reason for fewer problems may be that some have stopped interacting with the bookstore completely because of the miserable experience.

    Lydia Hearn suggested having a liaison from instruction to talk to the bookstore.

    Viviana Alcazar shared her difficulties in dealing with the bookstore to order a new textbook.

    The Senate will put this item on a future agenda for broader discussion. Make sure that the officers are aware of the scope of the problem for followup.

    Lauren Gordon pointed out that students on financial aid are hurted the most because they must buy their books from the bookstore. Her textbook was not available in the bookstore. The students do not have another option.

    Fall Plenary Scholarship (Nov 7-9, online)

    The Senate is offering up to 2 online scholarship for faculty

    If interested, contact the senate officers asap.

    Orientation to Senate

    Intro To Senate 2024

    Erik Woodbury will be going over the presentation over the next few weeks.

    In this meeting, Erik went over slides 1-14. (See slides for details.)

    Defined Shared Governance

    Explained the relationship between Title V and California Ed Code

    What is 10 plus 1? And the Senate purview.

    What is the 1 or “Other?”

    Local Senate Structure

    The relationship between Senate and FA

    Cynthia Kaufman had a question about how senators are chosen in the division.

    Proposed POCR Plan  (2nd Read)

    James Capurso presented the proposal for POCR, the Local Peer Online Course Review Process. This proposal was first presented in June 2024. POCR is next-level support after RSI training. A colleague evaluates the course. After Part 2 of RSI training, POCR would be the next step. Faculty and course will receive CVC Quality Badge after completion of POCR.

    The current POCR team consist of James, Cheryl Chapman and Shawn Valcarcel

    Representatives will share this topic with their divisions for input and bring it back for further discussion and possible revisions, and vote next week.

    GE Committee Development

    Erik Woodbury highlighted the formulation of the GE Committee as specified in the Senate Bylaws 

    Discussion and comments on the Charge:

    A broader look at GE’s philosophy and practices 

    Better mentorship and training in curriculum and staff development

    Criteria about what it means for a course to be in a particular area

    Examine the curriculum process and how the GE philosophy is implemented

    Include Diverse perspective and discipline experts.

    Thoughtful process to offer feedback to make sure classes are meeting criteria 

    How many people are teaching GE classes following the course outline? The Curriculum Committee could provide an overview of the challenges they experience when evaluating courses as a starting point

    Further consideration for GE Committee Development 

    Membership size of the committee


    Senate Goals for the Year

    Review of goals from last conversation 9/30

    Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

    Increase faculty agency in AS - reinvigorate and use funds AS collects to support faculty.

    Maybe reviewing any prior goals and success will prompt consideration of new ones.

    Good of the Order

    James Adams, the OER coordinator, sent a survey to departments faculty to fill out

    Save the date: Wednesday, October 23rd is the DA Diwali celebration.

    Meghan Brophy reported excessive heat in her lab. Facilities was able to resolve the situation quickly

    Shagun Kaur: a special shoutout to Facilities, especially Tina Lockwood, for making things happen.


    Cynthia Kaufman motioned, Veronica Acevedo seconded, to adjourn, no objection.

    In person

    Erik Woodbury, So Kam Lee, Mary Pape

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, James Adams, Viviana Alcazar,  *Sam Bliss, Megan Brophy, Cynthia KaufmanUmar Douglas, Mark Hamer, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, *Jin Huang, Shagun Kaur, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, L K" Sengupta, Ravjeet Singh, James Tallent, Christina Wright


    Mary Donahue, Mark Landefeld, Sukhjit Singh, Leah Smith,


    *Deborah Armstrong, Dawnis Guevara,, Mark Hamer

    *indicates non-voting members.


Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 849 1703 5338
Passcode: 882827

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mark Landefeld PE 51A, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Mary Donahue MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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