Guiding Principles
College Council is guided by the college Vision, Mission and Values
De Anza College has two primary pathways for making decisions — organizational and
governance. After receiving recommendations and advice from these pathways, the president
makes the final
- Requests, considers and makes recommendations to the President on proposals from decision-making teams.
- Represents the college governance and decision-making constituencies in the collective body on district matters affecting De Anza College.
- Proposes and recommends annual and multi-year goals.
- Proposes and recommends annual college objectives to carry out goals that are clearly defined, easy to understand and realistic.
- Provides shared governance leadership for district strategic planning and district goals and objectives.
- Oversees college-wide strategic planning process (short and long-range), achievement of outcomes, efficiency standards and budget policies and procedures.
- Recommends college proposals for funding or reductions.
- Advises the President, Senates, DASB and other major college groups on policy development matters pertaining to planning, budgeting and accountability.
- Enrollment, facilities and curriculum.
Ground Rules
- Members, guests and visitors will honor the topics and times of the meeting agenda. Agendas and materials will be distributed in advance and all members will be prepared to participate fully in the entire meeting.
- Members, guests and visitors will present issues completely, accurately, honestly and without bias, using authentic primary sources of data and not selectively withholding information.
- Members, guests and visitors will encourage full and open participation by all participants and will demonstrate a respect for and willingness to listen to diverse opinions and viewpoints.
- Members, guests and visitors will govern their interpersonal behavior on the basis of mutual respect and trust for one another and will avoid personal attacks, physical and verbal intimidation, asserting authority of position, and "negative talk".
- Members, guests and visitors will maintain respect for team discussions and will demonstrate support for consensus decisions of the team within and outside of team meetings and be respectful of the formal voting process should it occur.
- Members, guests and visitors will disseminate and gather feedback clearly and concisely.
Each team member is empowered and responsible for understanding the Guiding Principles, Governance Pathway, Charge and for enforcing the ground rules.
Approved 10/29/2020