From Interim President Espinosa-Pieb
Welcome to Spring Quarter!
April 12, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
It has been wonderful this week to welcome our students back to class, and to welcome all of you to the new quarter. Thanks to each and every one of you who worked to prepare the campus, classes and services for spring.
You may have noticed the Caring Campus information tables in various locations on campus, where volunteer classified professionals have been welcoming students, answering their questions, and helping them find their classrooms. I want to give a very special thanks to all of our classified colleagues involved with the Caring Campus project.
I’m looking forward to several key campuswide events next week:
On Monday, April 15, beginning at noon, we’ll hold a collegewide Q&A with Senior Staff via Zoom. This follows a special Q&A that senior staff held with classified professionals last week. These are the first of occasional Q&As and more opportunities like the Cookies and Conversation gathering we held in March.
On Thursday, April 18, beginning at 11:45 a.m., Chancellor Lee Lambert will conduct a town hall on what the college is looking for in its next president, followed at 12:45 p.m. by a Q&A session on the proposed county medical clinic on campus. If you have questions about the clinic proposal, please submit them to your governance group leader or to Nathaly Aguilar, executive assistant to the president, at aguilarnathaly@deanza.edu. Nathaly is compiling all questions for Chancellor Lambert's event. You can see the county's responses to previously submitted questions, posted as part of the Jan. 25 College Council meeting agenda and distributed to governance leaders, here: https://link.deanza.edu/clinic-questions.
And on Friday, April 19, beginning at 10:30 a.m., there will be a collegewide session on implementing the college's strategic initiatives in the Educational Master Plan. This will include opportunities to provide feedback on draft action plans, volunteer for a team, and suggest additional action plans to move the college forward. I encourage all of you to be involved in this process, which is critical to planning the future of De Anza College. See details at deanza.edu/strategic/.
You should have received Outlook invitations for each of these events, with details on how you can participate.
We’ll have many more events to look forward to as the quarter progresses, including end-of-year celebrations and graduation on June 29. Watch for more information and updates.
In the meantime, I’m glad we can share in the pleasure of seeing our students progress toward their goals, and the joy of working alongside some of the best colleagues anyone could wish for. Have a great spring quarter!
Christina G. Espinosa-Pieb
(Pronouns: She/Her/Herself/Ella)
Interim President