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From the President

Innovation Grant Opportunity at De Anza College for 2025-26

March 3, 2025

Dear De Anza College Colleagues,

With thanks to the generosity of our community donors, the Foothill-De Anza Foundation, and our Chancellor, I am inviting all faculty, staff, and administrators to please consider applying for an Innovation Grant for the 2025-2026 academic year, designed to advance student equity, student retention or increased enrollment, and new entrepreneurial project ideas at De Anza College. This program is designed to support innovative methods of delivering instruction, services, or team-building in ways that reinforce student success, community engagement, and growth mindset.

Innovation Grants provide financial assistance to help put your creative ideas into action while providing initial seed money. Grants are available in amounts up to $2,500. Please prepare your proposal to reflect how your grant will provide an innovative opportunity at De Anza College and how the funds would be expended. All final applications with all necessary signatures are due to the President’s Office by June 20, 2025.

Grant recipients will be announced at the Fall 2025 Opening Day event at De Anza College. More information regarding submission requirements can be found on the Innovation Grant website on the President’s page.

Thank you in advance for your continued commitment to our students while supporting an equitable learning environment that promotes creativity and implementation of new innovations across our campus community,


Omar Torres, Ed.D.
President, De Anza College

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