This email was sent to all registered students at 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 7.
Dec. 7, 2021
Update on Canvas Outage
As of 2:30 p.m. today, the Canvas online learning system is still temporarily offline. The company that operates Canvas for De Anza and other colleges is working to resume service, following a nationwide outage that has affected a number of companies using the Amazon Web Services platform. (The service that De Anza uses to send text messages is also experiencing technical problems, so we couldn't send you an update by text.)
- If you have questions about classes or finals, you can reach your instructor via email. Check the college directory for their email address.
- Your instructor may contact you by email with more information about your final or about meeting on Zoom.
We'll post updates at deanza.edu/alerts, as information becomes available. You can also check the Canvas status page.
Thank you for your patience,
De Anza College