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Jan. 11, 2021
Quick Notes for the Week of Jan. 10
Quick Notes is an email digest of timely information for De Anza students, faculty and staff. Watch for it in your inbox regularly.
Psych Services Resources: Staff members from Psychological Services will be available in the Campus Center every Tuesday from noon to 5 p.m. You are welcome to stop by and learn about their services or make an appointment for counseling. Staff will be in the Don Bautista Room (Room 256) on the upper level of the Campus Center. The Psychological Services winter schedule of activities also includes online drop-in sessions and support groups. You can learn more by visiting the Psychological Services Workshops and Events page. For more information, updates and resources in winter quarter, check the Guide to Winter Quarter.
Need Room to Zoom? If you need to log in to Zoom for a class while you’re on campus, you can now find designated spaces with power and Wi-Fi. More spaces will be added soon. They’re part of an effort to make things a little easier if you are taking a mix of online and on-campus classes since it’s not always possible to leave campus and get home in time to log in for an online session. Learn more and see the Zoom Spaces map at deanza.edu/students/zoom-spaces.
News Brief
Hidden Histories of Japantown: The California History Center is co-sponsor of an ambitious, augmented reality community art project in San José’s Japantown neighborhood, along with a companion exhibit at the Japanese American Museum of San José. It combines technology, art, history and culture to find a new way of sharing stories about the Chinese, Japanese and Filipino communities that helped shape Japantown. Read more about the project in the Mercury News and MetroActive.
On View at the Euphrat: The Euphrat Museum of Art is now open to De Anza students and employees on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., and by appointment. The current exhibition, "common ground," runs through Feb. 19, and examines constructed and unseen borders and boundaries, which speak to our shared needs for respect and dignity, kindness and resilience. Featured artists include Thomas Kiefer, Hector Dionicio Mendoza, Nye' Lyn Tho and Fortune Sitole.
Friday: Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
Join the Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA) online for a talk honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. featuring guest speaker Dr. Donna White-Carey. The online event is this Friday, Jan. 14, noon-1:15 p.m. The theme for this year's talk is Black health and wellness. Register online to attend.
Upcoming Events
Check the Events Calendar for additional details and more events.
- Transfer University Meeting: Representative from La Sierra University – Tuesday, Jan. 11, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- "Run, Hide, Defend": In-Person Safety Training — Tuesday, Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- Park-It Market: Mobile Food Pantry — Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1-3 p.m.
- Transfer University Meeting: Representative from Southern California Institute of Architecture – Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2-3 p.m.
- Zentangle Gathering: Wellness Workshop – Wednesday, Jan. 12, 11 a.m.-noon
- Black Health and Wellness: Generational Health: Event Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. with Dr. Donna White-Carey — Friday, Jan. 14, Noon-1:15 p.m.
Tell us about your event! Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us.
Dates and Deadlines
- Last day to add classes – Saturday, Jan. 15
- Last day to drop classes without a W – Monday, Jan. 17
- No classes, offices closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – Monday, Jan. 17
- Last day to request "Pass/No Pass" – Friday, Jan. 28
- No classes, offices closed for Presidents' Holiday – Friday, Feb. 18 - Monday, Feb. 21
- Last day to drop classes with a W – Friday, Feb. 25
Visit the Academic Calendar page to see more important dates and deadlines by quarter.
Governance Meetings
- Classified Senate – Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2-3:30 p.m.
- Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT) – Tuesday, Jan. 11, 4-5 p.m.
- Equity Action Council (EAC) – Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1:30-3 p.m.
- De Anza Student Government (DASG) – Wednesday, Jan. 12, 4 p.m.
Find more information about college governance at deanza.edu/gov.
Awards and Achievements
De Anza Alumna Named Marshall Scholar: De Anza alumna Bérénice Sylverain has won a prestigious Marshall Scholarship for her work with Haitian Literature and Cultural Studies. Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Sylverain, who transferred to Columbia University after studying at De Anza, was one of only 41 winners from across the United States. She will go on to attend the University of Oxford to pursue two additional degrees: an MSc in Latin American Studies, followed by an MSc in Comparative Social Policy. Read more about Sylverain and her work in her Columbia University alumni profile.
Tell Us!
Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us to let us know about an upcoming activity or other news that you want to share with the rest of the college community. That’s the best way to get your item on our radar for the website Events Calendar, weekly newsletter and social media planning.
- Questions or feedback? Email us at communications@deanza.edu