This email was sent to all students registered for spring quarter.
April 24, 2023
Quick Notes for the Week of April 24
Mark Your Calendar
Celebrate Black Student Success Week
The De Anza Umoja program is celebrating Black Student Success Week by holding an open house and elevating the voices of Umoja students and faculty. The open house will take place on Wednesday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to noon in the Fireside Room in Campus Center. Stop by to enjoy light refreshments and learn more about Umoja
traditions and services. You can also visit the Umoja Stories webpage to read the personal stories of a few of our Umoja students and faculty.
Black Student Success Week, which begins today, is an annual campaign focused on ensuring success for Black and African American students at California's community colleges. This year's theme is "Vision to Action: Building Systems and Structures for Black Student Success.” A daily schedule for the statewide webinars can be found on the Umoja events page. Register for the webinars and find more information on the Black Student Success Week Linktree.
Spring Club Day
Spring Club Day is this Thursday, April 27, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Sunken Garden. You can meet representatives from more than 40 clubs. You can also speak with Inter Club Council members about starting your own club. There will be club performances, music, and more. Email Ruchira Danavadi, ICC Chair of Programs, or Arshiya Rahgozar, ICC Vice Chair of Programs, with any questions at ICCVCPrograms@deanza.edu. In the event of poor weather, club day will be moved to May 4.
Awards and Honors
College Acceptance Video Wins Top National Award
A short video showing a De Anza student’s joyful reaction to learning he was accepted by Stanford University has won a Gold Paragon Award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations, an organization for communications professionals at community colleges across the
United States.
The video was recorded last spring by student Ray Ostil, a U.S. Army veteran and Communication Studies major who was thrilled to learn he would be transferring to Stanford in the fall. Ostil shared the video with De Anza’s Office of Communications, which posted an edited version on the college social media channels – and won NCMPR's top award for a college social media post at the group’s annual convention in Florida this month. You can watch the video and read more about Ostil at deanza.edu/news/2022/stanford-transfer.
Events This Week
Check the Events Calendar for additional details and more events.
- Yoga and Stretching: Villages event – Monday, April 24, 10-10:45 a.m.
- The Holistic Black Student Experience: We Are Not a Monolith: Black Student Success Week webinar – Monday, April 24, 12-1 p.m.
- "Chasing Ice" Film Screening: Villages event – Monday, April 24, 1-2:30 p.m.
- UCLA virtual advising: representative visit – Monday, April 24, 1-4 p.m.
- Real Talk: wellness workshop hosted by HEFAS and De Anza alum Claudia Barajas – Monday, April 24, 3:30-5 p.m.
- Supporting Black Student Success Through Racially Equitable State Policy: Black Student Success Week webinar – Tuesday, April 25, 12-1 p.m.
- Loving Kindness Meditation: event sponsored by the Office of Equity, APASA, BFSA and DALA – Tuesday, April 25, 1-2 p.m.
- London Study Abroad: information session – Tuesday, April 25, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
- Holistic Healing Circle event sponsored by the Office of Equity, APASA, BFSA and DALA – Tuesday, April 25, 5-6:30 p.m.
- Careers in Environmental Studies: Villages event – Tuesday, April 25, 5:30-7 p.m.
- UCLA virtual advising: representative visit – Wednesday, April 26, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Denim Day Sexual Violence and Substance Abuse Prevention: Student Health Services event – Wednesday, April 26, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Free Tax Filing Assistance: individual online help – Wednesday, April 26, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Umoja: open house – Wednesday, April 26, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Transition to Workforce and Livable Wages: Black Student Success Week webinar – Wednesday, April 26, 12-1 p.m.
- Taking Action on Climate Change: Villages event – Wednesday, April 26, 1-3 p.m.
- May Day Sign Making: HEFAS event – Wednesday, April 26, 5-6:30 p.m.
- Registered Nurses on the Front Lines: Sandra Diaz career panel – Wednesday, April 26, 6-7:30 p.m.
- Mellon Scholars: information session – Wednesday, April 26, 6-7 p.m.
- The Muckraking Impulse in Dystopian Fiction: Villages event – Thursday, April 27, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
- UC Santa Cruz: representative visit – Thursday, April 27, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Programming for Black Student Success: Black Student Success Week webinar – Thursday, April 27, 12-1 p.m.
- Reception: Not Your Masi’s Generation: California History Center event to launch Asha Sudra exhibition – Thursday, April 27, 5-7 p.m.
- Redefining Your Narrative: student-led conference hosted by VIDA, DASG and the Office of College Life – Friday, April 28, 9 a.m.-3
- The Diaspora Dialogues: Educators' Reflections From Ghana – Friday, April 28, 12-1 p.m.
- De Anza Car Show: Autotech Club Car Show – Saturday, April 29, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tell us about your event! Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us.
Dates and Deadlines
- Black Student Success Week – Monday, April 24 to Friday, April 28
- Villages Earth Week – Monday, April 24 to Friday, April 28
Visit the Academic Calendar page to see more important dates and deadlines by quarter.
Governance Meetings
- Art on Campus Advisory Committee: Monday, April 24, 10-11 a.m.
- Academic Senate: Monday, April 24, 2:30-4:20 p.m.
- DASG Senate: Wednesday, April 26, 4 p.m.
- Budget Advisory Committee: Thursday, April 27, 3-4:30 p.m.
Learn more about college governance at deanza.edu/gov.
Tell Us!
Quick Notes is an email digest of timely information for De Anza students, faculty and staff. Watch for it in your inbox regularly.
Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us to let us know about an upcoming activity or other news that you want to share with the rest of the college community. That’s the best way to get your item on our radar for the website Events Calendar, newsletter and social media planning.
- Questions or feedback? Email us at communications@deanza.edu