This email was sent to students with undeclared or unassigned majors.
Aug. 30, 2021
Discover Your Village at De Anza!
Dear Student,
[Click image to view short video]
We hope you can join us for De Anza’s Virtual Welcome Day on Friday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. to noon, because we’re planning a special activity to introduce the new academic communities known as Villages.
Your Village is based on your academic interests or goals. For most students, that means joining the Village that aligns with their major. If you haven’t declared a major (it's a requirement for priority enrollment) or if you have a major such as Liberal Arts that covers more than one subject, you can choose a Village that interests you!
You can check out each of the six Villages and learn about the rest of our Welcome Day plans by visiting deanza.edu/welcomeday, where you’ll find instructions for joining all the activities that day.
On the morning of Sept. 17, you’ll be able to click a button on the Welcome Day webpage to join an online session with the Village of your choice. (And don’t worry: You’re free to change your mind or join a different Village at any time.)
After meeting some instructors and fellow students, you’ll have an opportunity to check out other programs, services and activities that are part of the whole college experience at De Anza. You can also
- Speak with a counselor
- Get help with registration
- Enter a drawing to win one of several great prizes – including Apple Watches, T-shirts and plush Mountain Lions – purchased with donated funds
You’ll find even more information about Villages and majors – and other helpful resources – on the Villages website at deanza.edu/villages.
Watch for another email soon with updates about Villages and all the activities on Welcome Day!
Best wishes,
De Anza College