This email was sent to students who are eligible for the De Anza College Promise program.
Sept. 27, 2021
Promise Students – Join Our Next Kickoff Event!
Dear Student,
Welcome to the De Anza College Promise! Based on your application for financial aid, you have qualified for free tuition and fees for two years (summer not included), plus $500 each year for books and materials!
If you haven't attended one of our earlier kickoff events, we'd like to invite you to sign up for a helpful and informative online session next Thursday, Oct. 7, from 2-3:30 p.m. (This will be similar to previous sessions, so you don't need to repeat if you attended one earlier this year.)
We'll tell you all about the Promise program, including special activities for Promise students and access to dedicated Promise counselors who can help you plan and succeed in your studies at De Anza. Plus, we’ll explain a few important things to know about maintaining your eligibility.
You can learn more about the Promise program at deanza.edu/promise.
If you have questions
- About your award: Please contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing financialaid@deanza.edu.
- About classes, orientation or your educational plan: Please contact the Office of Outreach by emailing outreach@deanza.edu.
Best wishes,
De Anza College