This email was sent to students who identified as LGBTQ+ in their college application.
Nov. 3, 2021
LGBTQ+ Students–Share Your Story
Dear Student,
We're sending you this email because you described your orientation as LGBTQ+ on your college application, and we thought you might be interested in this project: The CAN/DID Inclusion Series for 2021-2022 will include new releases focusing on the experiences and perspectives of De Anza's diverse LGBTQ+ community.
LGBTQ+ students and employees are invited to participate by telling your stories about finding happiness, facing adversity or any experience you'd like to share in a video or audio interview – or, if you prefer, you may contribute anonymously by submitting a work of your own poetry, short prose or visual art that we can photograph and post on the CAN/DID website. We will honor your privacy.
Please email communications@deanza.edu to ask about getting involved.
CAN/DID is an ongoing multimedia series that explores equity and social justice issues – with the goal of building community – by drawing on the experience and knowledge of De Anza students, faculty members and classified professionals.
Previous CAN/DID topics included Black Lives Matter, countering anti-Asian racism and De Anza's unique Intercultural Studies program. Additional installments this year will address topics of importance to the Latinx community, among others. Visit deanza.edu/candid to see all of the previous installments in the series, as well as resources for support and further exploration.
Best wishes,
De Anza College
[Click image to view short video]