This email was sent to students who are on dismissal status for winter quarter but were not dropped from their classes because they have started to make progress in raising their cumulative GPA.
Jan. 31, 2024
Important–Your Academic Status
Dear Student,
Please read this message carefully: Our records show that you increased your grade point average last quarter – congratulations! – although your cumulative Grade Point Average at De Anza has remained below 2.0 for at least five quarters. As a result, you have been placed on dismissal status for winter quarter 2024, as required by college policy, but you were not dropped from your classes this quarter because you are showing improvement.
We want to see you succeed at De Anza. We are asking you to meet with a counselor this quarter and discuss how you can continue to raise your GPA. As part of this process, a registration hold has been placed on your records, which will prevent you from registering for classes next quarter or obtaining any certificate, degree or transcript. Your counselor can help with removing that hold so you can continue your studies.
You can find your counselor by checking the Our Counselors directory. If you aren’t in a program with a designated counselor, you can contact the Academic Awareness program for assistance. This program can help connect you with a counselor as well as other resources and support.
As a reminder, if you don’t bring your cumulative GPA above 2.0, you could be dropped from your classes next quarter and, in that case, you would need to petition for reinstatement to continue your studies in the future. But although you have more work to do, we believe you can raise your cumulative GPA above 2.0.
Please note: Your academic status could affect your eligibility for certain types of financial aid or veterans' benefits. You may contact the Financial Aid and Veteran Services offices for more information about this.
You can a find a list of helpful resources on our Academic Awareness website, as well as tips for improving your academic performance. You’ll find more information about support programs at deanza.edu/services. Please don’t hesitate to seek assistance.
Best wishes,
De Anza College