Questions? Contact Us

  • Our division office is in Media and Learning Center (MLC) Room 210 – at the northwest corner of campus, near the Flint Parking Garage. (See the campus map)
  • Not sure who to contact about your question? Use the online form at the bottom of this page. We'll route your question to the right person and get back to you.

CTE and Workforce Development Division

Randy Bryant's photo

Randy Bryant
Dean, CTE and Workforce Development


Trisha Tran's photo

Trisha Tran
Counselor, Career Training

Vins Chacko's photo

Vins Chacko
Grants Administrator/Program Manager


Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran's photo

Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran
Senior Program Coordinator: Career Education, Dual Enrollment and Noncredit Programs

Katrina Tran's photo

Katrina Tran
Internship Coordinator/Job Developer


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