General Meeting Information

Date: November 18, 2020
Time: 1 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:00-1:20 Welcome and Introductions I/D All
    1:20-1:30 Purpose of the Meeting I/D Randy Bryant

    CTE Counselor update

    I/D Helen Pang & Trisha Tran 


    I/D Helen Pang

    Dual Enrollment and Non Credit Update


    Magali Molina

    SWP & Perkins Update


    Vins Chacko & Randy Bryant

    Guided Pathways & Guided Pathways Workshop: Redesigning with Equity and Career in Mind

     I/D Randy Bryant

    Short Term Job Training Programs

    I/D Randy Bryant

    Silicon Valley Leadership and the Cupertino Rotary

    I/D Peter Landsberg

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    11/18/2020 Meeting Minutes

    Members Present    
    • Randy Bryant
    • Bill Roeder
    • Byron Lilly
    • Daniel Smith
    • Dave Capitolo
    • Helen Pang
    • James Suits
    • Jayanti Roy
    • Jeff Staudinger
    • Magali Molina
    • Max Gilleland
    • Susan Tavernetti
    • Thomas Bailey
    • Trisha Tran
    • Vins Chacko
    • Cecillia Deck
    • Mike Appio
    • Mallory Newell
    • Maureen Miramontes
    Guests Present    
    • Peter Landsberger, Cupertino Rotary Club
    • Adrienne Moberly
    • JoAnn Leonard

    • Steve Onishi
    • Susan Latshaw
    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started at 1:00 PM

    Welcome and Purpose Randy Bryant

    Randy welcomed all members and guests into the meeting.  He also explained the rationale for restructuring CTE/Workforce Steering committee. The goal is for the CTE committee to meet once a month or more if needed.  

    Some of the operational goals for the group include: 

    • Vetting the Resource Allocation spreadsheet for CTE programs to compile the SWP or Perkins fund list that IPBT can smoothly review for approval. IPBT may categorize other funding sources for items that do not qualify through CTE grant funds.  
    • Get department perspective on changing CTE landscape to help with program reviews
    • It can be part of the college CTE committee as an advisory for college

    We will be exploring committees' goals and vision as we progress. 

    CTE Job placement rates and Licensure pass rates Mallory Newell

    Institutional Research Supervisor introduced herself and her involvement with the CTE departments. Every year IR department reports the CTE outcome for the whole college, CTE Job placement rates, and CTE license passing rates to the accreditation committee. The reporting is based on the Perkins core measurement system. Each CTE programs' goal rates are published in the Institutional Research website ( under the Educational Master Plan and Annual Updates. The achievable goals are set 56% above the average goal and standard 1% above the average goal. She encouraged the department to contact her if these rates need to be adjusted as we do not want to fall below the set rates. She highlighted that all CTE programs have been meeting the standard or above rates for job placements.  

    Mallory also introduced the Degree and certificates awarded reports listed on the Institutional Research website: The reports are updated every September. All the reports can be tailored to the department's needs as requested.

    CTE Counselor's updates  Helen Pang & Trisha Tran
    Trisha Tran introduced herself as the new CTE counselor.  Both Trisha and Helen requested the departments refer students to them directly as they may have availability to provide services to CTE students compared to general counselors.  They can help students with education plans, certificates, transfer questions, job search, interview skills, resume, etc.  CTE counselors are available during evening hours on certain days.

    Handshake  Helen Pang
    Helen reminded everyone that DeAnza college implemented the Handshake job search platform for students.  The handshake tile is available on the student portal.  Please encourage all students to activate their accounts to participate in job-related events, jobs, and internships.  Helen demonstrated some of the Handshake features at the meeting.

    Dual Enrollment/Noncredit updates Magali Molina
    Magali introduced the newly developed DeAnza college noncredit website:  She also informed the members about the college catalog updates on noncredit courses and noncredit certificates. The new initiative with adult schools will allow adult students enrolled in the academic programs to be eligible for "special admin" status, which allows them to take classes free of cost.

    SWP & Perkins update Vins Chacko & Randy Bryant

    All CTE requests have been processed.  We are on target to spend out SWP Round 3 funds.  We have $1.2 Million to spend by December 2021 for CTE enhancement through SWP Grant.  The Perkins fund of approximately $438,000 has to be sped by June 2021.  Vins encouraged all departments to track and follow up on their ordered items for on-time delivery and payment.  Please request all invoices to Vins that we can pay the vendor within the due dates.  Randy asked the department to utilize the available resources and spend the allocated budget in a timely fashion.  Randy requested the department to review and bring forward any enhance or expanding ideas for programs to achieve student success and job placements.  Randy mentioned that the CTE department is working with the DMT department to expand and enhance the 3D printing lab, expand the building for approximately $200,000.

    Vins asked the department to think about 2021/2022 SWP projects as the college has to submit them to the NOVA system by the end of January 2021.  The focus of the projects should be job attainment and sustainability.

    Guided Pathways Workshop:  Redesigning with Equity and career in Mind Randy Bryant

    Randy encouraged everyone to participate in the zoom meeting. He emailed everyone the zoom details and asked to reach out if the information needed to be located again.

    Randy stated that he is working with the guided pathway team to create a different pathway for adult students.  This will requires CTE program mapping to help the college and students.  We also need to consider which GE pathway will help our CTE certification pathway that can benefit students.

    Short Term Job Training Randy Bryant
    Please try to implement short-term job training programs to enhance students' hiring ability, especially during this COVID-19 time.  We can also implement these short courses through the community education program.  Randy encouraged the department to reach out to him with any ideas.

    Silicon Valley Leadership & the Cupertino Rotary Club Peter Landsberger & Team
    Peter Landsberger introduced the Cupertino Rotary Club workforce development group. Steve Onishi solicited outreach feedback for the eight $1500 workforce scholarships annually presented to the DeAnza College CTE students.  They received 72 applicants in the 2019-2020 academic year, but 19 were not eligible due to they were transferring.  We also reserved 2 out of 8 scholarships to veterans. The committee engaged in a conversation on making awareness and encouraging students to apply for the scholarships.  In order for the students to qualify for the scholarship, they have to maintain active student status.  They welcomed additional collaboration with the departments to promote scholarships and workforce improvements.

    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.  

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