General Meeting Information

Date: October 20, 2021
Time: 12:30
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    12:30pm-12:40pm Welcome and Introductions I/D Randy Bryant/All
    12:40pm-12:50pm Dual, Concurrent, Adult, Noncredit Enrollment Updates I/D Magali Molina
    12:50pm-1:00pm CTE Counselors Updates I/D Trisha Tran
    1:00pm-1:15pm Resource Allocation, SWP, and Perkin Funds Update I/D Randy Bryant/Vins Chacko
    1:15pm-1:30pm CTE Department Updates and Announcements



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Date:  October 20, 2021


    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Farideh Dada, Felisa Vilaubi, Helen Pang, Hua-Fu Liu, James Suits, Jayanti Roy, Kristin Skager, Marco Marquez, Margaet Bdzil, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Milena Grozeva, Moaty Fayek, Patricia Buchner, Randy Bryant, Thomas Bailey, Trisha Tran.

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 1:00 PM.

    CTE Dean's Update     Randy Bryant

    Randy announced that Moaty Fayek is working with Brandon Bailey working on website updates for state credits. Mary Pape asked if a student completed a non-credit class that is pre-req for another class, does their past completion of their non-credit course satisfy the pre-req? Randy Bryant said yes, per Title 5. Some exceptions would be mid-level courses for CSUs.

    Randy Bryant notified attendees of a scam update that has been going around asking students to pay $300 to job applications as a fee to guarantee a job position. He encourage everyone to let their students know that this method is a scam and is not connected with De Anza.

    Randy Bryant also mentioned the passing of AB297. Randy Bryant reminded Deans that Resource Allocation is due on the 22nd. With the help of SWP funds, a building modification for DMT was approved. Randy provided this example to encourage other Deans to think about their justification and resource request.

    CTE Counseling updates     Helen Pang and Trisha Tran

    Trisha Tran announced services and programs in De Anza under CTE. An example included embedded videos and links on websites that departments can share with students. Trisha Tran also announced that she is hosting (2) two workshops this quarter related to career services.

    November 09th (online workshop)
    November 16th (resume development workshop)

    Helen Pang already sent out email notification for the upcoming workshops to department chair and deans. Will also do mass email communications so campus employees and students are aware. 

    Trisha Tran also encouraged deans to share Counselor page with students that needs assistance and support.

    Trisha Tran updated team of Handshake application and how employers are constantly updating new jobs and internships that students can apply for.

    Resource Allocation, SWP Updates (Round 5), and Perkins fund     Vins Chacko

    Vins Chacko recapped the spending balancing from last year (Perkins). $150,000.00 out of 1.2 million. Perkin funds need to be spent by June 30th 2021. What was approved last June from resource allocation, please start buying and send requisition to Vins so he can purchase. 

    NOVA reports need to be submitted by October 31st. Asked for extension, not guaranteed if it will be given.

    CTE Dept Updates     All

    Daniel Smith: First set of noncredit classes filled up and overall helped enrollment in Photo. Enrollment is up by 12%.

    Mary Pape: Offer IT technical support certificate starting Fall 2022. Classes are credit and non-credit and gives skills necessary to get a living wage job.

    Cecilia Deck: La Voza, De Anza newsletter, has student reporters and editors that are interested in stories pertaining to student achievement and outcomes. Asked if any Deans want to showcase or highlight positive student goals.

    Manisha Karia: New course dedicated to non-profit sector. Renewed interested office business worker certificate (Dual Enrollment for Adult Ed, introductory course w/ Moaty and Manisha to modify certificate).

    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.

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