Welcome to the De Anza Student Government (DASG)
2025-2026 DASG Executive Officer Election Happening Now!
Mon Feb 24th at 06:00 am — Fri Mar 7th at 04:00 pm
- Click Here to Vote!
- Click Here to View the Candidates' Statements and Ballot
- Click Here for the Candidates' Contact Information
- Click Here for More Info on the DASG Elections
What is DASG?
DASG stands for De Anza Student Government. DASG is composed of students who have one goal in common – to advocate for students' needs and represent students on campus.
We are a united and progressive Senate dedicated to promoting diversity, leadership, and student empowerment by advocating for programs, services and activities that serve to enrich the student experience at De Anza.
With a budget of more than $1 million, the DASG Senate sponsors and funds hundreds of programs and events in the interests of the student body. We host and plan events, engage with students, distribute funds across student programs, contribute as voting members of several shared governance groups, and more.
What Does DASG Do?
Funding Programs
With a budget of more than $1 million, DASG funds 40+ student programs on campus.
Representing Student Voices
DASG ensures that all students have a voice in the student body and shared governance at De Anza.
Advocating and Affecting Policy
We advocate on a college, district, and statewide level on all policies concerning students.
Ensuring Equity and Sustainability
DASG has a common goal of promoting equity and sustainability.
Sponsoring Student-Led Events
DASG Senate sponsors and funds hundreds of activities and events.
Supporting Student Rights and Services
DASG represents students in speakng out for rights and needed services.
Senate and Committee Meetings
Member Attendance Requirements
Due to updates to the California Brown Act (California Open Meeting Law for Local Legislative Boadies) effective January 1, 2023, all Officers, Senators, Prospective Senators, Interns, and Prospective Interns must attend meetings in person on campus at their specified location.
Members of the public are free to attend in person or online if an online option is available.
DASG Senate Meetings
- Time: Wednesdays at 4:00 pm
- Meeting location: Student Council Chambers in the Lower Level of the Campus Center and Online Via Zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
The DASG Senate and its committees generally meet the second week of each quarter through the tenth week of each quarter Fall - Spring.
The DASG Senate does not normally meet the first week of the quarter, the week before finals, finals week, during quarter breaks, or during the summer.
- All meetings are open to the public.
- Join our meetings and make a difference!
- Day and time: Wednesdays at 4 p.m.
- Location: In person in the Student Council Chambers in the lower level of the Campus Center and spectating via zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Senate Meetings
- Agenda item requests: DASG Senate Agenda Item Request Form
- Chair: Luca Paliska, dasgpresident@fhda.edu
- Primary advisers: Hyon Chu Yi-Baker, yibakerhyonchu@fhda.edu, and Dennis Shannakian, shannakiandennis@fhda.edu
- Secondary adviser: Maritza Arreola, arreolamaritza@fhda.edu
- Webpage: Finance Committee Page
- Day and time: Mondays, 4-6 p.m.
- Location: Student Council Chambers on the lower level of the Campus Center, and online via Zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Finance Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Agenda item requests:
- DASG Finance Committee Agenda Item Request for Regular Funds (Fund 41) (pdf)
- DASG Finance Committee Agenda Item Request for Regular Funds (Fund 41) (docx)
- DASG Finance Committee Agenda Item Request for Student Representation Fee Funds (Fund 46) (pdf)
- DASG Finance Committee Agenda Item Request for Student Representation Fee Funds (Fund 46) (docx)
- Chair: Aditya Sharma dasgfinance@fhda.edu
- Advisers: Hyon Chu Yi-Baker, yibakerhyonchu@fhda.edu, and Dennis Shannakian, shannakiandennis@fhda.edu
- Support staff: Lisa Kirk, kirklisa@fhda.edu, and Jennifer Nguyen, nguyenjennifer@fhda.edu
Student Rights and Equity
- Webpage: Student Rights and Equity Committee Page
- Day and time: Wednesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm
- Location: In person at DASB Lounge meeting room, spectating via zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Student Rights and Equity Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Chair: Katia Bravo dasgsre@fhda.edu
- Adviser: Maliah Kenoly, kenolymaliah@fhda.edu
- Webpage: Marketing Committee Page
- Day and time: Tuesdays, 1:00pm-2:00pm.
- Location: Student Council Chambers on the lower level of the Campus Center, and online via Zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Marketing Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Chair: Veronica Hon, dasgmarketing@fhda.edu
- Adviser: Dayna Swanson, swansondayna@fhda.edu
- Webpage: Events Committee Page
- Day and time: Tuesdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm.
- Location: In person at DASB Lounge meeting room, spectating via zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Programs Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Chair: Phoebe Wang, dasgprograms@fhda.edu
- Adviser: Dayna Swanson, swansondayna@fhda.edu
- Webage: Administration Committee Page
- Day and time: Wednesdays, 2:00pm-3:00pm.
- Location: In person at DASB Lounge meeting room, spectating via zoom
- Zoom link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Administration Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Chair: Aura Ozturk, dasgvicepresident@fhda.edu
- Adviser: Dennis Shannakian, shannakiandennis@fhda.edu
Executive Advisory
- Webpage: Executive Advisory Committee Page
- Day and time: Thursday, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Location: In person at DASB Lounge meeting room, spectating via zoom
- Meeting link: Zoom
- Meeting documents: Executive Advisory Committee agendas, minutes and attachments
- Chair: Luca Paliska, dasgpresident@fhda.edu
- Primary advisers: Hyon Chu Yi-Baker, yibakerhyonchu@fhda.edu, and Dennis Shannakian, shannakiandennis@fhda.edu
- Secondary adviser: Maritza Arreola, arreolamaritza@fhda.edu
Join Us on Social Media
Connect with us and stay updated on DASG news and events!