2024-25 DASG Senate 

  • DASG org chart for 2024-25On this page you'll find a list of DASG Senate members and their responsibilities photos and bios. 
  • At right is the current DASG organizational chart. (You can click the image to open a printable PDF.)
  • Click the tabs below to see photos and profiles of each DASG Senate member.
  • Click the red bars lower on the page to see photos and profiles of DASG advisers.

  • Executive Officers

    Luca Paliska | President

    • Pronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Mountain View, CA
    • Hobbies: Name any water activity and I've either done it or really want to! I also enjoy playing piano in my free time and building coding projects.
    • Goals at De Anza: To transfer to a four-year university and experience new things along the way.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG because I want to actively participate in my community to better student life. I feel that De Anza's student government is the perfect avenue for making the impactful changes students want. I'm committed to representing the overall student body's needs throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Joining was also a great way to make friends!
    • Contact: dasgpresident@deanza.edu
    Luca Paliska

    Wadi Lin Lei | Chair of Administration

    • Pronouns: she/her
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown:  Mandalay, Myanmar 
    • Hobbies: Photography, Baking, I also love to drink coffee.
    • Goals at De Anza:  I hope to gain the full college experience before I transfer to a university. Learning is a huge privilege for me and I aspire to learn anything and everything.
    • Why I Joined DASG: The DASG represents De Anza College to past, current, and future students. I want to be part of such a community where helping students learn and discover exciting opportunities are our primary goal.
    • Contact: dasgadministration@fhda.edu
    Aura Ozturk

    Aditya Sharma | Chair of Finance

    • Pronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
    • Hometown: Gurugram
    • Hobbies: Playing the guitar and singing :)
    • Goals at De Anza: I wish to transfer to a four-year university from De Anza and grow as a person :)
    • Why I Joined DASG: I like being part of the decision making committees when it comes to things I am passionate about. I wish to be able to act as a bridge between DASG and the student body and make the De Anza senate more accessible and well known.
      TL;DR - Joined DASG because why not :)
    • Contact: dasgfinance@deanza.edu
    Aditya Sharma

    Katia Bravo | Chair of Student Rights & Equity

    • Pronouns: she/her
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA
    • Hobbies:
      • Reading up on the latest developments in the tech world
      • Experimenting with new cooking and baking recipes
      • Outdoor activities like hiking and biking
      • Playing ultimate frisbee
      • Meditation and exploring philosophy
    • Goals at De Anza:
      • Become an active member of the CIS community
      • Learn about a variety of cultures by attending cultural community events
      • Successfully transfer from the Honors Program
      • Spread the joy of robotics and programming!
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to use my skills involved with interacting with a wide variety of people in order to foster a more equitable environment at De Anza. Joining various communities at De Anza has allowed me to have a sense of community and interact with people of amazing backgrounds. I hope to provide my fellow students with the resources and voice in order to make the most from their time here at De Anza!
    • Contact: dasgsre@deanza.edu
    Katia Bravo

    Veronica Hon | Chair of Marketing

    • Pronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Business Administration 
    • Hometown: Indonesia
    • Hobbies: Sports, eating, singing, sleeping
    • Goals at De Anza: To meet lifelong friends, create memories, and form connections while learning and growing both personally, and academically.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I am passionate about student leadership and want to be a part of the committee that shapes the school. I hope to find my second family at DASG and form bonds that will hopefully last a lifetime. I aspire to learn and grow from my peers here, especially since I know DASG members to be fun, intelligent, and insightful people! I also hope to bring a positive and fresh perspective to the team and contribute my ideas and experiences within the creative aspect, including marketing, outreachd and leadership.
    • Contact: dasgmarketing@deanza.edu
    Veronica Hon

    Shiqi Wang | Chair of Events

    • Pronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Business Administration
    • Hometown: China
    • Hobbies: I enjoy traveling, exploring new restaurants and dessert shops, playing golf and playing murder mystery games. :)
    • Goals at De Anza: I'm striving to learn and grow both personally and academically, make lasting friendships, create cherished memories, and contribute to the community to cultivate a more inclusive environment.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I see a lot of positive possibilities on this campus. Being able to work and grow together with a group of people to make this community better and filled with more possibilities ∞. Wouldn't that be wonderful?:)
    • Contact: dasgevents@fhda.edu
    Shiqi Wang

    Michi Ozaki | Chair of Environmental Sustainability

    • Pronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Japan
    • Hobbies: Baseball, piano, pickleball
    • Goals at De Anza: I see community college as a place where you can build strong connections with diverse people from all over the world. Taking advantage of this opportunity, my goals at De Anza are to learn communication skills in a non-native language, achieve my academic goals, and grow as a person overall.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to contribute to De Anza College as a representative of students and promote people's awareness of environmental sustainability. I get to think about what we can do as a big community to engage in making a sustainable environment. Also, I want to enhance my leadership skills and problem-solving skills through student government activity. I want to be a part of the community where people who have the same desire which is to make De Anza a better place gather.
    • Contact: dasges@deanza.edu
    Michi Ozaki

    Jin Huang | Chair of Inter Club Council (ICC)

    • Pronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Shanghai, China
    • Hobbies: computer game, basketball, reading
    • Goals at De Anza: Learning passionately, bonding over shared dreams, and leaving a lasting mark on our campus.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG with a heartfelt commitment to enrich our college's community and to refine my abilities through impactful leadership and dedicated service.
    • Contact: iccchairperson@deanza.edu
    Jin Huang

    Iris Li | Student Trustee

    • Pronouns:  she/her/hers
    • Major: Computer Science 
    • Hometown: San Jose
    • Hobbies: Watching and playing soccer, building legos, and napping
    • Goals at De Anza: To make friends, learn new things, and contribute to the De Anza community.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG with the goal of making positive changes and better representing student voices at De Anza. I want to contribute to our growth, and DASG provides an excellent platform to do so.
    • Contact: dastudenttrustee@deanza.edu
    Iris Li

  • Internal Officers

    Rami Abukhater: Flea Market Liason

    • Rami AbukhaterPronouns: he/him
    • Major: Computer Science and Computer Engineering
    • Hometown: Cupertino, California
    • Hobbies: I like to make games, play sports basketball, spend time with friends, and read.
    • Goals at De Anza: I hope to gain useful experience that I can apply to my future endeavors, while also pursuing my degree.  
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to give back to the leadership that gave me a great experience at De Anza. As the flea market coordinator I am going to ensure that the flea market stays as a pinnacle of our college and community.
    • Contact: dasgfleamarket@fhda.edu

    Dariga Burkhanova | Environmental Sustainability Coordinator

    • Dariga BurkhanovaPronouns: she/her/hers 
    • Major: Biology
    • Hometown: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
    • Hobbies: I enjoy hiking, exploring new places, and going for long drives!
    • Goals at De Anza: Make long-lasting connections and give back to the community!
    • Why I Joined DASG: To raise awareness about environmental sustainability, and work towards having a greener future at De Anza 
    • Contact: burkhanovadariga@fhda.edu

    Ryan Chu: Student Rights Officer

    • Ryan ChuPronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Hong Kong
    • Hobbies: Coding, singing, playing Just Dance
    • Goals at De Anza: Learn everything there is to learn, connect with different wonderful people at De Anza (and in the Bay Area), and transfer to a four-year institution to continue pursuing my interests.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined the DASG because I want to help improve the very campus I study in. I love the De Anza community, and I want to help build it up further!
    • Contact: churyan@student.deanza.edu

    Lauren Hartono: Events Coordinator

    • Lauren HartonoPronouns: she/ her/ hers
    • Major: Business
    • Hometown: Indonesia
    • Hobbies: I like to Bullet journal, go for jogs, and play the piano
    • Goals at De Anza: I aim to organize events that celebrate and embrace diversity and create inclusive environments where students from all backgrounds feel a sense of belonging beyond just being at school. I aim to create opportunities for students who may struggle to make friends due to De Anza's quarter system, enabling them to create meaningful friendships despite the challenges of our academic schedule.
    • Why I Joined DASG: Coming to De Anza, I've noticed its diverse student body, mainly comprised of international students. This mix of cultures has inspired me to contribute to fostering unity and a sense of community on campus. This challenge excites me as I see it as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by helping to bridge different nationalities and bring us all together as one cohesive community. 
    • Contact: hartonolauren@fhda.edu

    Budget Analyst: Vacant

    • Pronouns: 
    • Major:
    • Hometown:
    • Hobbies:
    • Goals at De Anza: 
    • Why I Joined DASG: 
    • Contact:

    Minseo Kim: Bike Program Coordinator

    • Minseo KimPronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Economics
    • Hometown: South Korea
    • Hobbies: I love watching movies and listening to music!
    • Goals at De Anza: My goals at De Anza are to make new friends and transfer to a four-year university.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to have a positive impact on De Anza and promote the community. 
    • Contact: kimminseo@fhda.edu

    Javin Ku: Social Media Officer

    • Javin KuPronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Business Administration
    • Hometown: Saratoga, California
    • Hobbies: Bouldering, cooking, watching Tottenham and the SF Giants!
    • Goals at De Anza: To make lasting connections and build the repertoire to transfer to a four-year university of my choice.
    • Why I Joined DASG: The desire to foster a proper community for myself and others around me led me to join the DASG. I strive to connect students with one another through media and communicative methods to make sure all students understand what is going on in their campus. Although community college is not an eternal home, I wish to make it the most comfortable and lively as I possibly can for all those at De Anza.
    • Contact: kujavin@student.deanza.edu

    Aura Ozturk | 

    • Wadi Lin Lei
    • Pronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Turkey
    • Hobbies: I like listening to music, swimming, and nature.
    • Goals at De Anza: I want to improve myself as a person and transfer to a four-year university.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined the student government with a desire to make a difference in my school community. As an advocate for positive change, I believe that being part of DASG would provide me with the platform to voice my ideas and implement them effectively.
    • Contact: DASGElections@fhda.edu

    Joshua Madrid: Equity and Diversity Officer

    • Joshua MadridPronouns: he/him
    • Major: Psychology
    • Hometown: Hayward, California
    • Hobbies: Working out, hiking, reading
    • Goals at De Anza: To promote community among De Anza college students and build a student life on our campus. College is not just about learning within classrooms, but also outside of the classroom through interactions with others.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I want to be a voice at the table for underrepresented students! Sometimes underrepresented students don't know who to raise their concerns to or don't feel heard. I want students to count on me to be an ear and empower their voices.
    • Contact: madridpelayojoshua@fhda.edu

    Jin Min: Events Coordinator

    • Jin MinPronouns: he/him
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Hometown: Daegu, South Korea
    • Hobbies: Ultimate Frisbee, working out
    • Goals at De Anza: Having various experiences and transferred to a top UC as a CS major
    • Why I Joined DASG: To bring positive effect to De Anza College so that students have a better experience in our college
    • Contact: minjingi@student.deanza.edu

    Legislative Affairs Liaison: Vacant

    • Pronouns: 
    • Major:
    • Hometown: 
    • Hobbies:
    • Goals at De Anza:
    • Why I Joined DASG: 
    • Contact: 

    Van Nguyen: Budget Analyst

    • Van NguyenPronouns: He/him/his
    • Major: Business Administration
    • Hometown: Vietnam
    • Hobbies: Reading, cooking, photography, playing guitar, and camping
    • Goals at De Anza: My goals at De Anza are to learn academic skills to prepare me for studying in a four-year university; develop personal, soft skills to help surrounding people and make valuable impacts for the community; and equip me with foundational knowledge for my future career and goals.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I recognized the constructive and critical environment in DASG; therefore, I want to become a part of it to develop my critical thinking. Besides, I want to join DASG to create more connection and communication between DASG and student community so that we can make long-lasting and impactful values.  
    • Contact: nguyenlocvan@fhda.edu

    Victor Pham: Social Media Officer

    • Victor PhamPronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Biology
    • Hometown: Campbell, California
    • Hobbies: I enjoy hiking, playing video games, weightlifting, swimming, and fragrance collecting.
    • Goals at De Anza: My goals at De Anza are to meet new people, become more involved with the community, and foster a better community college experience for everyone!
    • Why I Joined DASG: Because De Anza is a commuter college, I feel it's more important than ever to be connected as a community and one of the things that I love about De Anza is the diversity on campus. I joined DASG because I want to be a part of that environment and being in DASG allows me to better represent and advocate for this community that I love and enjoy being involved in.
    • Contact: phamvictor@fhda.edu

    Fatima Zehra Shaikh: Public Relations Officer

    • Fatima Zehra ShaikhPronouns: she/her/hers
    • Major: Business
    • Hometown: India
    • Hobbies: mandala art, embroidery
    • Goals at De Anza: My goal at De Anza is to create meaningful connections before I transfer to a four-year university and encourage students to be a part of extracurricular activities.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to help students gain more awareness about the events and resources available to them. I hope to improve the communication between students and DASG. I will ensure it's not just the students reaching out to DASG but DASG reaching out to the students as well!
    • Contact: dasgpublicrelations@fhda.edu

    Anish Shamarao: Flea Market Liaison

    • Anish ShamaraoPronouns: he/him
    • Major: Economics
    • Hometown: Cupertino, California
    • Hobbies: Biking, reading, jazz music, basketball, and binging dog videos :)
    • Goals at De Anza: My general goals are to build my professional skills, connect with others from De Anza, and help the community. 
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to be able to contribute to the well-being of the student body and to develop my interpersonal and leadership skills. 
    • Contact: dasgfleamarket@fhda.edu

    Yan Ming Teng: Budget Analyst

    • Yan Ming TengPronouns: he/him/his
    • Major: Economics
    • Hometown: Sunnyvale, California
    • Hobbies: Reading and video games
    • Goals at De Anza: Transfer to a four-year college
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG because it would allow me to use my knowledge as an economics major to benefit the community.
    • Contact: tengyanming@student.deanza.edu

    Hoa Van: Public Relations Officer

    • Hoa VanPronouns: He/him
    • Major: Business Administration
    • Hometown: Sacramento, California
    • Hobbies: gym, golf, pickleball, and gaming 
    • Goals at De Anza: Transfer
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASB to build my leadership skills and connect more with my community and peers. 
    • Contact: dasgpublicrelations@fhda.edu
  • Program Liaisons

    Mahder Aklilu | Umoja Liaison for DASG

    • Pronouns: They/ Them
    • Major: Earth Sciences
    • Hometown: San Jose
    • Hobbies: Writing poetry and being outdoors!
    • Goals at De Anza: Transfer to a 4 year university!
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined to be a resource to my community and advocate for student needs:)
    • Contact: aklilumahder@fhda.edu

    Yinwa Yung | PPS Liaison for DASG

    • Pronouns: He/ him
    • Major: Political Science
    • Hometown: Hong Kong
    • Hobbies: I like to be outdoors, hike, cycle, and play tennis. I also like to play drums and I'm learning how to play the bass and guitar. Movies and gaming are my go-to weekend activities.
    • Goals at De Anza: My dream is to live "The American Dream", as luck would have it, De Anza is the place to be.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I am passionate about advocacy and representation in governance, and I believe in change. It is my mission to support De Anza's student leadership by serving the interests of De Anza students. Community College is a stepping stone for career development, and students should have the chance to fully experience the best college life De Anza can offer.
    • Contact: yungyinwa@fhda.edu

    Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu | HEFAS Liaison for DASG

    • Pronouns: She/ Her/ Ella
    • Major: English and Humanities
    • Hometown: Japan
    • Hobbies: Painting, drawing, dancing, reading manga, reading poetry, writing my own poetry (and currently working on my first poetry book!)
    • Goals at De Anza: My goal is to transfer to a private university or a UC and continue pursuing higher education opportunities.
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG because I believe in the power of representation and the importance of elevating voices that often go unheard. As a mixed woman of Okinawan, Peruvian, and Japanese heritage, I want to ensure that our diverse communities are seen and valued. I am passionate about advocating for undocumented and low-income students, ensuring that everyone has a voice and a seat at the table.
    • Contact: estradanakamatsmatsuko@student.deanza.edu

    Talia Washington | VIDA Liaison for DASG

    • Pronouns:  she/her/hers
    • Major: Political Science
    • Hometown: Saint Helens, Oregon
    • Hobbies: I like astrology charting, Fashion styling , boxing and DJing.
    • Goals at De Anza: After graduating from De Anza, I hope to transfer to a four-year university in california, then attend law school!
    • Why I Joined DASG: I joined DASG to actively represent my program and peers. My objective is to advocate for positive change on campus. I hope this experience will allow me to develop leadership skills, collaborate with diverse groups, and work on initiatives that will improve the De Anza student experience. As a political science student with aspirations in law and public service, this experience has helped me build a strong foundation in governance, advocacy, and teamwork.
    • Contact: washingtontalia@fhda.edu
    Talia Washington

DASG Advisers

Faculty Director, College Life

(This position is currently vacant.)

Leadership Development and Student Activities 

Maritza Arreola

Maritza ArreolaLeadership Development and Student Activities Coordinator

  • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  • Education: M.Ed. Student Affairs from UCLA; BA Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies from Mills College, transferred from Foothill College
  • Hometown: Mountain View, CA
  • Hobbies: Baking, playing Pokemon Go, getting excited over everyone's dogs, and trying new food spots
  • Why I joined De Anza's Office of College Life: I've had the chance to work in some great college spaces, but I'm excited for this role in strengthening student involvement and development opportunities for community college students. I know from experience that college is really what we make it. Regardless of what one's goals and aimed pathway look like, I know any student can have a meaningful experience here at De Anza by getting involved.
  • Committees Advising: Inter Club Council (ICC), Student Rights & Equity, Marketing, Programs
  • Contact: arreolamaritza@deanza.edu

Operations and Student Activities 

Dennis Shannakian

Dennis ShannakianOperations Specialist and Student Activities Coordinator

  • Pronouns: He/Him/His
  • Education: AA Liberal Arts with a Business and Computer Information Systems Emphasis from De Anza College
  • Hometown: San Jose, CA
  • Hobbies: reading, watching TV shows and movies, listening to music, playing computer/video games, trying new foods and restaurants, and spending time with family and friends
  • Why I joined De Anza's Office of College Life: To help the students of De Anza College.
  • Groups and Committees Advising: Senate, Finance, Administration, Elections, Executive Advisory
  • Contact: shannakiandennis@deanza.edu

Flea Market and Special Events

Dayna Swanson

Dayna SwansonFlea Market and Special Events Coordinator

  • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  • Education: BA Hotel & Restaurant Management from Cal Poly Pomona
  • Hometown: San Jose, CA
  • Hobbies: My passion is traveling with friends and family, hiking, laying on a sunny beach with a book, eating popcorn at the movies, scuba diving and wine tasting. I can't pass up family time around the table talking, eating, and playing cards. I hope to conquer my fear to sky dive and parasail - maybe one day soon.
  • Why I joined De Anza's Office of College Life: To surround myself with the enthusiasm of college students - so eager to learn, and to share their knowledge and ideas with me and for me to have the opportunity to share my work experience in the event industry with them, makes for a perfect day. The Office of College Life is made up of professional staff members and students all contributing to the education and sucess of all students, and to my personal and professional growth as well. As the Flea Market Coordinator and with the help of my student assistants, I have the opportunity of developing the market that helps financially support the students with the resources to participate in clubs, school government, and conferences developing leadership and skill sets that will move them to the next stage in their lives.
  • Committees Advising: Marketing, Programs
  • Contact: swansondayna@deanza.edu

Administrative Assistant

Maliah Kenoly

Maliah KenolyAdministrative Assistant

  • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  • Education: De Anza College - San Jose State University (transfer student) - Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology
  • Hometown: San Jose, CA
  • Hobbies: Pilates, Calisthenics, Cooking, Reading, Spending time with friends, Visiting new coffee shops, practicing new languages
  • Why I joined De Anza's Office of College Life: Working at the Office of College life allows me to explore new viewpoints every day and learn new ways of communicating with faculty and staff of various walks of life, cultures and abilities. I believe that being open to listening to different worldviews– even if they fall outside of your own values is crucial in continuing to grow as a person and gain new perspective.
  • Committees Advising: Administration, Elections
  • Contact: dasgsecretary@deanza.edu
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