General Meeting Information

Date: October 30, 2023
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from October 23, 2023 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar

    • Hiring Committee Confirmations (File)
      • Instructor, MATH (2 positions)
    I/D Woodbury

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    • Campus Center Advisory Committee- (1)
    • Student Grievance and Student Conduct Hearing Board
    • J1 Training and Implementation Committee
    • EO Representatives needed for Hiring Committees
    • Classified Senate Faculty Representative - (1)
    • RAPP Executive Secretary (1)
    • Scholarship Committee Volunteers
    I/D Guitron


    • None
    D/A Guitron

    IV. New & Continuing Business


    Hybrid Delivery Request for MUSI 3A

    Effective: Winter 2024
    Initiator: Ilan Glassman
    Title: Comprehensive Musicianship (First Quarter)

    I/D/A Woodbury

    SSB9 Grading Interface Update

    I/D Nazy

    Establish Academic Senate Working Groups
    Scope/Charge and Membership

    • Governance Update
      • Erik Woodbury
      • Shagun Kaur
      • Felisa Vilaubi
      • Mary Pape
      • Kevin Glapion

    • AI at De Anza
      • Erik Woodbury
      • Chesa Capras
      • Lakshmikanata Sengupta
      • Mirsaeid Abolghasemi
      • Rachel Silveria
      • Kevin Glapion
      • Jyothsna Viswanadha
    I/D Woodbury

    AP 4105 Regular and Substantive Interaction & Training and evaluation proposal

    AP 4105 Current Draft

    Training and Support for RSI/Online Teaching: Developing a model 
    Current Proposal  under Discussion at Foothill

    I/D Woodbury

    FHDA Administratve Procedure / Board Policy Review Committee Update

    BP 5500
    AP 5500, 5510, 5520, 5530


    Link to files showing changes and clean copies:

    BP and APs 5500s



    Lebleu Burns


    Good of the Order

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    I. Call to Order


    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from October 23, 2023

    Note on agenda. The item “SSB9 Grading Interface Update” is tabled until next week.

    Shagun Kaur moved, Mary Donahue seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection.
    Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment

    Shagun Kaur thanked the officers for the lovely lunch.

    Concerns on the Bookstore being dysfunctional.

    One faculty mentioned printed materials for laboratories not being ready on time. They still didn’t have them after weeks into the term.

    Kevin Glapion: Students have problems with the reduced bookstore hours.  Communication is poor. There is not much communication unless it is in person. Hard to reach them via email and phone.

    Shagun Kaur: In spite of repeated insistence they seem unwilling or unable to mark courses correctly for OER. She suggested forming a task force on the library issues.

    Mary Donahue: Her Health 57A course has no textbook. She has the reading posted online on her course page. The bookstore has a list with all classes that have books for students to download for free, including HLTH57A. But when students go to the bookstore online shopping for textbooks webpage there is nothing listed for her Fall class.

    Alex Swanner: The bookstore hours do not support students that need materials for tests. The library has used petty cash to buy and give scantrons to students.

    Rajveet Singh has been buying scantrons and bluebooks for her students.

    Erik Woodbury: Foothill is doing a survey on their bookstore. They also are having problems with Follett. Someone suggested conducting a similar information drive at De Anza.

    J1 Training

    Shagun Kaur: Some J1 training are available on zoom. Signup information is on the email announcement.

    II. Consent Calendar

    Approval of Consent Calendar
    Hiring Committee Confirmations (File)

    Instructor, MATH (2 positions)

    • Danny Tran, Math
    • Nahrin Rashid, Math
    • Roderic Taylor, Math
    • Fatemeh Yarahmadi, Math
    • Mehrdad Kosravi Dean, PSME
    • Ninh Thi Chi Nguyen, EO Rep *approved by HR

    Alex Swanner moved, Mary Pape seconded to approve. No objection. Committee approved.

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)
    • Scholarship Committee Members-Volunteers should contact Felisa Vilaubi and Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa
    • Campus Center Advisory Committee- (1)
    • Student Grievance and Student Conduct Hearing Board-As many as possible.
    • J1 Training and Implementation Committee
    • EO Representatives needed for Hiring Committees-As many as possible
    • RAPP Executive Secretary (1)
    • Erik Woodbury will serve as the Faculty Representative to the Classified Senate.



    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Hybrid Delivery Request for MUSI 3A

    Effective: Winter 2024
    Initiator: Ilan Glassman
    Title: Comprehensive Musicianship (First Quarter)

    This type of request usually goes to the Curriculum Committee for approval and signature. This request did not make it to the last Curriculum meeting. The next in-person Curriculum meeting to approve such requests will take place the day after registration starts.

    The request was late due to the change in leadership in the Creative Arts Division and the subsequent problem in getting the request to Curriculum in time.

    The request form was filled out completely and correctly. It has gone through the entire curriculum process and the adobe workflow. This online education request is part of the 5-year course revision.

    The Senate officers decided to make this one time exception to bring this request for Senate approval. Curriculum is a subcommittee of the Senate. Therefore, the Senate can vote to approve this request.

    Mary Donahue moved, Mary Pape seconded to approve. No objections. Request approved.

    SSB9 Grading Interface Update

    Table until next week.

    Establish Academic Senate Working Groups

    Scope/Charge and Membership

    Governance Update
    • Erik Woodbury
    • Shagun Kaur
    • Felisa Vilaubi
    • Mary Pape
    • Kevin Glapion

    The group will review and propose updates to the Senate Constitution and By-laws. One of the items will be the Curriculum Co-chair position as part of the Senate leadership structure. Other items could include terms for the officers, how the Senate reviews and represents disciplines and FSA. Everyone was encouraged to look at the Constitution and By-laws and make recommendations to the group.

    The By-laws can be approved by a super majority, 66% of the Senate Executive Committee. The Constitution goes to a faculty wide vote to be approved with a simple majority.

    AI at De Anza
    • Erik Woodbury
    • Chesa Capras
    • Lakshmikanata Sengupta
    • Mirsaeid Abolghasemi
    • Rachel Silveria 
    • Kevin Glapion
    • Jyothsna Viswanadha

    Charge to the working group. 

    Detection and reliability. What can AI do? What are the current capabilities of AI and what should people be aware of? How do we detect it? How reliable is AI? Contact ETS on available software.

    Establishing some proposed best practices or policies. How do those practices and policies impact academic freedom? 

    AI capacities, as teaching tools for instructor use and  student use.


    Detection-its impact on workload to check originality and authenticity

    Proposed best practice and policy-academic freedom, syllabus language

    Workshop and training-access to tools

    Defining “Original Work”-threshold and criteria

    Academic dishonesty

    Mary Donahue moved, Joyanti seconded to approve both groups. No objection. Working Groups approved.

    Erik will take the responsibility to reach out to both groups and get them started.

    Shagun Kaur suggested forming a work group or task force on the bookstore issues.

    AP 4105 Regular and Substantive Interaction & Training and evaluation proposal

    AP 4105 Current Draft

    Training and Support for RSI/Online Teaching: Developing a model 

    AP, Administrative Procedure is a required, top level, district level policy. In the last meeting, there were good questions and discussions over various parts and pieces of the policy.

    There was a suggestion to add SLO under the Course Approval section, or “course level student learning outcomes”

    The Senate should review and approve the policy first, then work out the details on training and compliance.

    There were discussions on current De Anza policies and potential changes with regard to these requirements. For Curriculum, instead of “5-year revisions,” it could be “regular revisions” per Title V.
    Any college wide policy should keep in mind the diversity of our curricular areas. What qualifies as RSI in one area may not apply in another.

    The AP provides the guidelines, but each campus may have its own way of carrying out the AP. 

    Mary Pape moved to approve with proposed correction and update, Christopher DiLeonardo seconded.

    There was a call for a vote.

    Yes 20 No 0 Abstain 0. Unanimous approval

    The following discussion went into the details of “how to do it?” 

    Foothill has started addressing RSI training and support in their Current Proposal  The proposal explores a two-phase, three-year model to be repeated every three years.

    There was a question about online teaching certification at De Anza and how that compares to the Foothill proposal. Currently, De Anza has the Canvas training and then additional training if provided by individual departments.

    Someone asked how this model may apply to last minute part-time hires to fill an open class. These faculty may not be certified to teach online so quickly. What is the mandated entry point? What does it need to be adequately prepared to teach?

    The current training is outdated and inadequate. De Anza is one of few campuses that do not have an updated training module. There could be a clause that allows last minute hires to teach but they will need to complete training within a specified time.

    There was a concern about the rush to put more training on faculty whenever something new comes up. Make sure the mandate is necessary.

    Shagun Kaur expressed concern about this being in violation of FA contracts. She had deep reservations on the Foothill plan and asked if Online Ed  had a discussion about it.

    James Capurso: They, as a team, have talked about the Foothill plan. They shared some of the same concerns expressed in this meeting. It will be better to develop their own plan, rather than follow Foothill. They have discussed different ideas but have not reached a consensus. The plan is to broaden the scope to include accessibility, course design, and updating the certification training. 

    Shagun Kaur suggested conducting a preliminary survey, discussion, or dialogue on what faculty need from Online Ed in terms of training.

    James Capurso: Their top priority is to get the advisory group back up and running. That is where they plan to start those conversations.

    Marc Coronardo: Faculty is not required to do anything that is not negotiated in the FA contract.

    Mary Donahue shared how some faculty comment about the number of hours needed to comply. Another colleague raised the concern about “other people telling you how you're not teaching properly”  Perhaps this may bring those teaching asynchronous classes back on campus.

    Get feedback from student surveys on how much and what kind of interactions they want. And use the information to recommend training.

    Shagun Kaur: 1. RSI is not a suggestion, it is the law, part of compliance; 2. It is an entry point for teaching online. Among Bay Area colleges, De Anza’s requirement is the least strict. 3. There is a desperate need for training. Take time to build a better program with an inclusive process and holistic approach. 

    There was a request to remove references to De Anza in the Foothill document.

    There was a suggestion to form a work group to start working on this outside of the Senate. Mary Pape, Shagun Kaur, and Lauren Gordon volunteered

    David Garrido shared the current Canvas training schedule. It takes 7-10 hours depending on what background they have to go through the full training. Fast track is quicker if somebody already has been trained elsewhere. 

    Representatives were encouraged to reflect on how to establish adequate training and get feedback for their constituents.

    FHDA Administrative Procedure / Board Policy Review Committee Update

    BP 5500
    AP 5500, 5510, 5520, 5530

    Erik shared the student grievance updates and changes to AP 5510, 5520, 5530 first reviewed in the June 5, 2023 meeting in the Presentation

    Erik will bring this back for a vote next week.

    Good of the Order

    James Capurso: 

    Online Ed upcoming workshops: 

    Accessibility Toolbox: 11/1 at 1pm

    Regular and Substantive Interaction: 11/6 at 10am and 11/27 at 11am

    Using Pronto, a messaging tool integrated with Canvas: 11/9 at 12pm

    To access the Zoom links, please visit the Canvas certification calendar:

    Erik Woodbury: One more night for Halloween Haunt. Halloween night. Eastern Brook Discovery School.

    Thank you all for coming to the pre-meeting lunch event. It was a really nice gathering for people to hang out, chat, and build connections.


    Mary Pape motioned, Ravjeet Singh seconded, to adjourn, no objection.


    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Christopher DiLeonardo, Mary Donahue, Kevin Glapion, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Shagun Kaur, Sherwin Mendoza, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, Liliana Rivera, Christian Rodriguez, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK",  Sengupta, Rachel Silveria, Ravjeet Singh, James Tallent, Alex Swanner, Jyothsna Viswanadha, Glynn Wallis


    *Deborah Armstrong, Dawnis Guevara,


    Mirsaeid Abolghasemi, Sheldon Fields, Lauren Gordon, Mark Landefeld, *Thomas Ray, Felisa Vilaubi

Meeting URL: 

Meeting ID: 813 8077 7794
Passcode: 691152

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mark Landefeld (PE & Athletics)   PE 51a, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Dawnis Guevara PE 51b, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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